On 11/30/2010 07:57 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-11-30 at 18:03 +0100, Ivana Varekova wrote:
>> Hello,
>> mpfr-3.0.0 is now build to rawhide branch and soname is bumped to 4.0.0
>> there.
>> MPFR 3.0.0 is binary incompatible with previous versions and also is not
>> completely API compatible.
>> The most important changes from versions 2.4.* to version 3.0.0
>>     *  MPFR is now distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public
>> License version 3 or later (LGPL v3+).
>>     * Rounding modes GMP_RNDx are now MPFR_RNDx (GMP_RNDx kept for
>> compatibility).
>>     * A new rounding mode (MPFR_RNDA) is available to round away from zero.
>>     * Functions mpfr_random and mpfr_random2 have been removed.
>>     * mpfr_get_f and mpfr_get_z now return a ternary value.
>>     * a lot of new functions
>> full list of changes is on:
>> http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/#download
>> The packages which depends on mpfr should be rebuild against the new
>> versio. The list is:
> It would be much better to either do the rebuilds yourself or arrange a
> tag for the new soname and ask the packagers of the below packages to
> rebuild them in the tag before merging the whole tag into rawhide. We
> really need to get away from this method by which you dump a libmajor
> bump into rawhide and then just hope for the necessary rebuilds to be
> done.
I'm not superuser thus I can't do the rebuild myself. But I cooperate 
with the maintainers of major dependencies of mpfr - gcc and libmpc to 
test the package against the new version. They were prepared to rebuild 
their packages when I push 3.0.0 to rawhide and they maintainers rebuild 
them in a while.
The process with the separate tag seems more systematic and thus better 
to me (I'm not sure whether it is necessary if there is quite small 
number of dependencies). Where can I find some info how to do it?
>> avr-gcc
>> gappa
>> gcc
>> genius
>> ghdl
>> gretl
>> libfplll
>> libmpc
>> Macaulay2
>> mingw32
>> rasqal
>> seed

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