#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2010-12-01)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:30:18 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* init process  (nirik, 18:30:18)
  * SMParrish and mclasen unable to attend today.  (nirik, 18:32:04)

* Welcome new members, Thank departing members.  (nirik, 18:35:11)

* Elect Chair  (nirik, 18:37:22)
  * nirik will keep chairing for now.  (nirik, 18:40:28)

* Meeting time  (nirik, 18:40:34)
  * ACTION: mjg59 to fill out a ticket and whenisgood for us to fill in.
    (nirik, 18:42:50)
  * will schedule next weeks meeting based on ticket feedback.  (nirik,

* Updates policy / Vision implementation status  (nirik, 18:44:12)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 18:44:58)
  * will review ideas container and discuss specific ideas next week.
    (nirik, 18:47:30)

* Fedora 12 EOL (2010-12-02)  (nirik, 18:50:33)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/486   (nirik, 18:50:33)
  * Fedora 12 goes EOL tomorrow.  (nirik, 18:55:15)
  * ideas/suggestions to improve fedora EOL process welcome.  (nirik,

* #501 Fixing the glibc adobe flash incompatibility  (nirik, 19:03:16)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/501   (nirik, 19:03:16)
  * AGREED: No forced revert of glibc changes. Will ask glibc
    maintainers to review the technical reasons to revert again.
    (nirik, 19:13:15)

* #503 Robotics Spin a Feature?  (nirik, 19:13:27)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/503   (nirik, 19:13:27)
  * AGREED: will table this item until we know more about the fate of
    the spins sig.  (nirik, 19:21:08)

* #504 Which services should be on by default  (nirik, 19:21:53)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/504   (nirik, 19:21:53)
  * AGREED: default is off, exceptions exist to allow proper functioning
    of the os. FPC to document exceptions and process exception requests
    (nirik, 19:42:27)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 19:42:43)

Meeting ended at 19:48:38 UTC.

Action Items
* mjg59 to fill out a ticket and whenisgood for us to fill in.

Action Items, by person
* mjg59
  * mjg59 to fill out a ticket and whenisgood for us to fill in.
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (117)
* mjg59 (44)
* notting (23)
* mmaslano (18)
* ajax (17)
* abadger1999 (16)
* zodbot (7)
* adamw (4)
* spot (4)
* kylem (4)
* daumas (4)
* leigh123linux (2)
* pjones (2)
* rmattes (2)
* tibbs|h (2)
* SMParrish (0)
* mclasen (0)
* cwickert (0)
* marcela (0)
18:30:18 <nirik> #startmeeting FESCO (2010-12-01)
18:30:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec  1 18:30:18 2010 UTC.  The chair is 
nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:30:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link 
18:30:18 <nirik> #meetingname fesco
18:30:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco'
18:30:18 <nirik> #chair mclasen notting nirik SMParrish kylem ajax cwickert 
mjg59 marcela
18:30:18 <nirik> #topic init process
18:30:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: SMParrish ajax cwickert kylem marcela mclasen 
mjg59 nirik notting
18:30:42 * notting is here
18:30:51 <mjg59> Hi
18:30:57 * pjones is here unnecessarily.
18:31:06 <notting> #chair mclasen notting nirik SMParrish kylem ajax cwickert 
mjg59 mmaslano
18:31:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: SMParrish ajax cwickert kylem marcela mclasen 
mjg59 mmaslano nirik notting
18:31:16 <mjg59> pjones: Thanks for your service, you can leave now
18:31:33 <mjg59> A token gift will be provided by mail
18:31:34 <pjones> woohoo!
18:31:46 <nirik> ah, I got the nick marcela from fas... sorry about that.
18:32:04 <nirik> #info SMParrish and mclasen unable to attend today.
18:32:05 <mmaslano> hello, I change to mmaslano to be consistent with FAS 
18:32:37 <nirik> mmaslano: makes sense. ;) welcome.
18:32:44 <mjg59> mmaslano: Hi!
18:34:04 * nirik looks to see if we have quorum...
18:34:19 <ajax> i'm here, i suppose
18:34:31 <mjg59> ajax, notting, me, you, mmaslano
18:34:34 <nirik> ok. I think thats 5...
18:34:37 <mjg59> cwickert and kyle appear to be missing
18:35:08 <nirik> yep. ok, lets go ahead and get started. Will do some new 
business first...
18:35:11 <nirik> #topic Welcome new members, Thank departing members.
18:35:27 <nirik> Welcome mmaslano and thanks to pjones
18:35:57 <mmaslano> hello again
18:36:06 <nirik> I think I have adjusted the approprate wiki pages and 
trac/mailing lists stuff.
18:36:14 <nirik> If there is anything I missed, please feel free to let me know.
18:36:49 <mmaslano> great
18:37:22 <nirik> #topic Elect Chair
18:37:41 <nirik> I'm willing to keep chairing... but if someone else wants it 
thats ok with me too. ;)
18:37:52 <ajax> i want to not.
18:38:26 <nirik> anyone else?
18:38:44 * notting +1s nirik
18:38:59 <ajax> likewise +1 nirik
18:39:07 <mjg59> nirik: The problem is that you keep doing a good job
18:39:30 * nirik resolves to slack more so he can get replaced. ;)
18:40:28 <nirik> #info nirik will keep chairing for now.
18:40:34 <nirik> #topic Meeting time
18:40:43 <nirik> ok, do we wish to revisit the meeting time again?
18:41:05 <mmaslano> I'd like to have it earlier
18:41:19 <ajax> my availability hasn't changed and is still pretty flexible
18:41:31 <mjg59> Guess we can go through the availability grid again
18:41:54 <nirik> ok, would someone be willing to file a ticket and provide a 
whenisgood or the like?
18:42:02 <mjg59> Sure
18:42:31 <nirik> (a ticket just for tracking it/nagging everyone to fill it out)
18:42:37 <nirik> mjg59: great.
18:42:50 <nirik> #action mjg59 to fill out a ticket and whenisgood for us to 
fill in.
18:43:05 <nirik> shall we revisit next week at this time then? or decide in the 
ticket if we move?
18:43:22 <ajax> on the ticket is fine
18:43:26 <notting> i think if everyone responds, we should be able to do it in 
the ticket
18:43:35 <nirik> ok
18:43:48 <nirik> #info will schedule next weeks meeting based on ticket 
18:44:12 <nirik> #topic Updates policy / Vision implementation status
18:44:12 <nirik> .fesco 351
18:44:12 <nirik> .fesco 382
18:44:13 <zodbot> nirik: #351 (Create a policy for updates) - FESCo - Trac - 
18:44:17 <zodbot> nirik: #382 (Implementing Stable Release Vision) - FESCo - 
Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/382
18:44:25 <nirik> ok, our usual updates tickets. ;)
18:44:53 <nirik> I've gathered all the feedback I could from the mailing list 
and dumped all the ideas for adjusting the updates policy into a wiki page
18:44:58 <nirik> 
18:45:18 <nirik> so, I'm not sure how best to approach this.
18:45:42 <nirik> Perhaps everyone over the next week could go thru the ideas 
and filter out the ones that they would like us to implement/do...
18:45:58 <nirik> then we can discuss and vote on those next week, and drop the 
ones that no person championed?
18:46:20 <mjg59> Sure
18:46:20 <mmaslano> sounds good
18:46:22 <ajax> yeah, i'd like to read those over
18:47:14 <nirik> Theres a lot of misc ideas. People do want adjustments. ;)
18:47:30 <nirik> #info will review ideas container and discuss specific ideas 
next week.
18:47:49 <nirik> also under updates we have:
18:48:02 <nirik> * Need work on stats to see trends with new policy.
18:48:08 <nirik> * Need to investigate a 'new features' repo setup.
18:48:23 <nirik> I think lmacken has been working on improving the bodhi stats.
18:48:39 <nirik> I think kylem was going to work on newfeatures repo
18:49:00 <nirik> So, any further actions on updates policy for now? Or keep 
plugging away?
18:49:19 <ajax> nothing from me for now
18:49:42 <mjg59> Ditto
18:49:51 * nirik notes he also posted to test list for QA feedback/ideas on 
adjusting the policy.
18:50:16 <nirik> ok, shall we move on then?
18:50:33 <nirik> #topic Fedora 12 EOL (2010-12-02)
18:50:33 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/486
18:50:41 <nirik> f12 goes end of life tomorrow.
18:51:13 <nirik> The hopefully final push goes out later today... unless 
something breaks badly, then we can do another tomorrow.
18:51:42 <mjg59> Looks good to me
18:51:53 <nirik> There was a bit of talk in fedora-qa about adjusting the EOL 
policy to spam pending updates a few weeks before eol.
18:52:10 <nirik> ie, "Hey, only 2 weeks left, test soon"
18:52:56 <ajax> that seems slightly odd
18:53:12 <mmaslano> but that's the same with critpath and doesn't help in all 
cases for F-13
18:53:13 <ajax> i mean again what we're doing here is wondering how many people 
actually use the n-2 distro
18:53:25 <nirik> yeah, not sure how we would want it to work... but in any case 
thats not going to happen for f12. ;)
18:53:42 <notting> ajax: we have stats for that
18:55:00 <notting> at least, we can get counts of people hitting the mirrorlist
18:55:15 <nirik> #info Fedora 12 goes EOL tomorrow.
18:56:22 <nirik> so do we wish to adjust the eol process at this time?
18:57:04 <ajax> do we send any warnings to the users list as EOL approaches?
18:57:13 <ajax> i admit to not being on it, devel@ is noisy enough
18:57:15 <mmaslano> how many updates is waiting?
18:57:23 <nirik> ajax: I sent out a announcement to fedora-announce a few weeks 
18:57:33 <mmaslano> I mean, it's possible that qa can test it in few days?
18:57:52 <nirik> there are 101 f12 updates in updates-testing.
18:58:00 <nirik> many of them really really old.
18:58:47 * nirik would also prefer to avoid "hey, lets test and promote all 
these updates on the last day" because then if something breaks people are out 
of luck. ;(
18:58:53 <ajax> yep.
18:59:09 <mmaslano> I would push only security...
19:00:04 <nirik> well, I think it's too late to do much about f12, but if 
people have ideas for changing it for f13, we can look at them.
19:00:45 <mmaslano> nirik: I believe we should solve lack of testing in F-13 
before speaking about n-2
19:01:21 <nirik> sure.
19:01:37 <nirik> so, solicit ideas for changing/adjusting the EOL process and 
move on for now?
19:02:34 <mjg59> Yeah
19:02:52 <nirik> #info ideas/suggestions to improve fedora EOL process welcome.
19:03:16 <nirik> #topic #501 Fixing the glibc adobe flash incompatibility
19:03:16 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/501
19:03:32 <ajax> "don't" seems to be the winning strategy here
19:03:39 * nirik notes there is a new 64bit flash plugin that fixes this issue 
for flash at least.
19:03:58 <notting> there is?
19:04:28 <leigh123linux> notting: 
19:04:59 <leigh123linux> notting: Adobe forgot to update their site
19:05:40 <notting> then i'm fine with just saying 'no'
19:05:41 <daumas> leigh123linux: that new binary, which i am running right now, 
does not fix it
19:05:42 <nirik> or announce it in any other way. ;)
19:06:10 <nirik> linus makes a case for reverting this change in 
19:06:20 <nirik> daumas: it does here. are you sure you are using the new one?
19:07:31 <daumas> nirik: i will retest with a vanilla binary. I had to perform 
the memcpy->memmove patch.
19:08:27 <nirik> anyhow, my take on this is: a) we shouldn't revert for flash, 
and it's fixed anyhow. b) If there is a good technical reason to revert (like 
linuses plea), we should let the glibc maintainers weigh that, we shouldn't try 
and force them to do anything.
19:08:40 <mjg59> nirik: Yeah, I'm +1 for that
19:09:07 <mmaslano> could we post this link into bugzilla? users could say 
whether it's fixed for them
19:09:08 <nirik> so, at most we should ping the glibc maintainers and ask them 
to revisit based on linuses comment/reply to that.
19:09:17 <nirik> mmaslano: sure. I can do that.
19:09:47 <ajax> agree with nirik's assessment
19:10:15 <nirik> ok, other votes?
19:10:22 <notting> +1 to nirik
19:10:38 <ajax> +1 (if it wasn't clear)
19:10:44 <mmaslano> +1 to nirik
19:11:01 <daumas> nirik: confirmed again with vanilla binary. still broken for 
19:11:31 <nirik> daumas: odd. I can work with you in #fedora or something after 
the meeting? it's sure fixed here.
19:12:07 <daumas> nirik: sounds good.
19:12:46 <nirik> ok, so that sounds like it passed.
19:13:15 <nirik> #agreed No forced revert of glibc changes. Will ask glibc 
maintainers to review the technical reasons to revert again.
19:13:27 <nirik> #topic #503 Robotics Spin a Feature?
19:13:27 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/503
19:13:37 <nirik> Not sure what to do here... as spins are somewhat in limbo.
19:14:08 * rmattes (feature co-owner) is around
19:14:40 <mmaslano> if this will be feature, then next Fedora could have a lot 
"spins" features
19:14:40 <ajax> well in the "features are publicity" sense, sure, this sounds 
19:15:18 <nirik> some background: the spins sig doesn't get much participation. 
Bruno acted as 'spins wrangler' last cycle... but has no desire to do so for 
19:15:32 <nirik> so, the thought was to revisit the spins process at fudcon 
19:15:43 <adamw> more background: I recently sent in a request to the board 
advisory list to take a high-level look at the whole area of spins
19:15:57 <nirik> see if a spins sig makes sense, or move it back to under 
rel-eng somehow, or make each sig responsible, or something else.
19:16:04 <nirik> adamw: yeah.
19:16:16 <ajax> i'm entirely willing to table this until we have board guidance
19:16:18 <adamw> (though now i look at the archives, i don't see that it made 
it through.)
19:17:14 <abadger1999> adamw: I was just about to ask for a subject or link ;-)
19:17:33 <adamw> abadger1999: i guess i'll subscribe to the list and send it 
again, i was hoping it'd get through moderation but it looks like it just got 
19:17:54 <nirik> yeah, I think it makes sense to table this until we know the 
fate of spins.
19:18:02 <mjg59> +1 to that
19:18:29 <adamw> abadger1999: here's the email i sent / will re-send, for 
reference: http://fpaste.org/QUPB/
19:20:13 <nirik> ok, any other votes?
19:20:21 <notting> +1 to table
19:20:22 <mmaslano> +1
19:20:25 <nirik> rmattes: is it ok for us to defer until we know more on this 
from your side?
19:20:53 <rmattes> That's fine, i'd just like to note that fudcon starts about 
a week after the feature submission deadline
19:21:08 <nirik> #agreed will table this item until we know more about the fate 
of the spins sig.
19:21:21 <nirik> rmattes: yeah, we need to figure out broad strokes well before 
19:21:53 <nirik> #topic #504 Which services should be on by default
19:21:53 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/504
19:22:41 <nirik> did we have any kind of guideline for this in the sysvinit 
scripts ?
19:22:48 <notting> not specifically, no
19:23:34 <nirik> can anyone think of some simple rule? 'if it's critical path 
it may at the maintainers discretion be enabled by default' ?
19:23:37 <mjg59> Why would anyone install a package that's not enabled?
19:23:45 <notting> huh?
19:23:55 <mjg59> I mean
19:24:05 <mjg59> "Why would anyone install a package if they don't want it 
19:24:19 <mmaslano> but many services are by default off
19:24:22 <nirik> because it may require configuration before enabling it?
19:24:36 * abadger1999 notes that he still thinks this is an fpc issue not a 
fesco issue.
19:24:39 <mjg59> nirik: That one's an excellent argument
19:24:56 <mjg59> abadger1999: Given that it affects how the system works, I 
think it's appropriate for fesco
19:25:09 <abadger1999> mjg59: All the packaging guidelines affect how the 
system works.
19:25:17 <mjg59> abadger1999: This one's far more behavioural
19:25:25 <abadger1999> spot: Hey, we should have talked about his one in the 
fpc meeting this morning :-(
19:25:32 <abadger1999> mjg59: How so?
19:25:43 <nirik> perhaps it would be approprate to punt back to FPC and ask 
them to figure out what they want us to decide? :)
19:25:57 <notting> you could make the argument that it goes all the way back to 
the target audience, etc
19:26:05 <abadger1999> mjg59: We already have rules around this -- the only 
difference is that we don't say which packages are allkowed to break those 
19:26:24 <mjg59> My preference would be that services be enabled by default and 
check whether or not they're configured before starting
19:26:28 <mjg59> So configuration -> enabled
19:26:52 <spot> this is the key point. we just need FESCo to advise us if there 
are any cases where systems should be enabled by default, and if so, what they 
19:27:00 <spot> errr services, not systems.
19:27:08 <mjg59> spot: I think services should be enabled by default if they're 
installed on a running system
19:27:09 <abadger1999> spot: I think that that's an FPC decision really.
19:27:25 <notting> mjg59: that's a fairly large change in policy
19:27:31 <mjg59> notting: Well, we were asked
19:27:38 <mmaslano> I would leave it as it is
19:27:41 <abadger1999> spot: IIRC we (FPC) already say that network facing 
services can not be enabled by default.
19:27:53 <spot> abadger1999: that's correct.
19:28:03 <tibbs|h> If asked, I'd vote for no services on by default, period.  
The installer can enable some if necessary.
19:28:03 <mjg59> I grant that there's arguably an exception for network 
services, but at the same time the default firewall rules would seem to handle 
that case
19:28:13 <abadger1999> spot: So the decision about other services is just an 
extension of that.
19:28:22 <mjg59> I just don't understand why anyone would want to install a 
package unless they want that package to function
19:28:25 <notting> mjg59: but then there's the request to disable the firewall
19:28:47 <mjg59> notting: I think those are two different aspects of the same 
19:28:47 <tibbs|h> mjg59: You've not used a distro with an 'everything' install 
option, then?
19:28:49 <abadger1999> (and thus something fpc decides)
19:28:53 <notting> mjg59: probably because our package groups aren't clearly 
enough defined to make that useful
19:29:17 <mjg59> notting: That's definitely something I agree with, but the fix 
for that would seem to be to fix our packaging groups
19:29:37 <kylem> agh. really sorry, had it written as 2:30 in my calendar.
19:29:52 <mjg59> Installing package groups locally increases the attack surface 
regardless of whether or not any services are started
19:30:01 <nirik> kylem: no problem.
19:31:35 <mjg59> I think it's ridiculous that someone should have to install a 
package, enable the service *and* poke a hole in the firewall in order to have 
it work
19:31:38 * nirik would be ok with 'no for network facing' or 'no, nothing by 
default, you have to enable it', but that might have impact on 
19:31:41 <mjg59> That's two steps too many
19:31:44 <mjg59> Well
19:31:47 <mjg59> It's at least one step too many
19:32:08 <nirik> and start it (if they don't reboot)
19:32:19 <notting> i don't think we want to put the entirety of 'what sort of 
system are you installing, and why/how' decision on anaconda
19:32:41 <notting> don't think they have the time at this point of the cycles 
to make the necessary changes to accommodate that
19:32:43 <nirik> it would be kinda nice to have it consistent.
19:32:52 <mjg59> notting: I'm not saying that this should change tomorrow
19:34:09 <mjg59> Just that "Should services be enabled or disabled" sounds to 
me like the wrong question
19:34:23 <nirik> mjg59: it's the question we have now. ;)
19:34:35 <mjg59> nirik: Well, I vote we send it back to fpc and ask them to ask 
the right question :p
19:35:03 <nirik> ie, short term we kinda need to figure this out. Long term I 
agree it would be great for everything to enable and start.
19:35:29 <nirik> for that tho, we would need dbus-firewall changes or 
something, a requirement that all network services be secure out of the box, 
19:35:41 <mjg59> Yeah, there's a pile of stuff to handle here
19:36:04 <mjg59> So I guess to answer the question, I'd say "Services don't get 
to start by default until we have a sane and consistent policy"
19:36:20 <mjg59> And then start working on that sane and consistent policy
19:37:00 * nirik is fine with that, but then there are some that are needed to 
be running for normal operation of the base OS.
19:37:23 <notting> but there would need to be exceptions to that otherwise 
we're in for more work. are we saying we should officially document those 
19:38:22 <nirik> or ask FPC to document/handle exceptions. ;)
19:38:30 * nirik tries to pass the buck. ;)
19:38:48 * abadger1999 wants the buck passed but not sure if spot disagrees ;-)
19:39:08 <spot> i have no problem with letting FPC do it
19:39:41 <mjg59> On the assumption that consistency is better than 
inconsistency, even if I think the current consistency is consistently wrong
19:39:56 <nirik> proposal: default is off, exceptions exist to allow proper 
functioning of the os. FPC to document exceptions and process exception 
19:40:48 <notting> sure. +1
19:40:52 <mmaslano> +1 proposal
19:40:59 <notting> i expect those who package the exceptions already know who 
they are
19:41:15 <kylem> +1.
19:42:09 <mjg59> +1
19:42:27 <nirik> #agreed default is off, exceptions exist to allow proper 
functioning of the os. FPC to document exceptions and process exception requests
19:42:43 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
19:42:51 <nirik> Anyone have any items for open floor?
19:42:54 <notting> we're out of features?
19:43:42 <abadger1999> There's this if people want to look: 
19:43:52 <nirik> I didn't get them in time for this weeks agenda...
19:43:58 <nirik> we can go over them if folks would like.
19:44:22 <abadger1999> yeah, if they don't next week is fine.
19:44:26 <mjg59> abadger1999: I think next week
19:44:36 <mjg59> abadger1999: There's not really enough time between fpc and 
fesco to read over the context
19:45:19 <notting> we may want to take that into account in scheduling and bias 
the new meeting time later in the week?
19:45:50 <abadger1999> mjg59: Yep, you guys obviously have to stop scheduling 
the meeting to conflict with us ;-)
19:46:27 <nirik> we could just meet at the same time! :) more challenge.
19:46:50 <abadger1999> Oooh.... and in the same channel!
19:47:02 <nirik> warring topics. ;)
19:47:08 <mmaslano> great, it would be earlier
19:47:18 <nirik> anyhow, anyone have anything for open floor? or shall we call 
it a meeting?
19:47:26 * abadger1999 stops making jokes so people can do real work.
19:47:34 <kylem> heh, sorry for being late. i'll update my calendar for the 
future. :/
19:48:12 <nirik> kylem: yeah, we are also going to try another round of 'when 
can we meet'. See the ticket with the whenisgood link.
19:48:19 <kylem> sure. thanks.
19:48:34 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone!
19:48:38 <nirik> #endmeeting

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