Once upon a time, Jiri Vanek <jva...@redhat.com> said:
> I have fixed typo in the proposal " Should be built in oldest live EPEL" 
> instead of " Should be built in latest live EPEL", which was wrong.

At the moment though, the oldest live EPEL is 7, not 8.

> I do not have hard requirement to build java-latest-openjdk on epel8
> and repack everywhere, but it gave sense. If the hard demand will be
> to build also java-latest-opnejdk in oldest fedora, and repack in
> all fedoras, and built it in oldest epel, and repack in all epels,
> then it gave somehow sesnse too. Although I would conisdered it a
> bit wasted cycle, it is acceptable.

I think building for Fedora in Fedora would moderate the concerns about
old compiler/flags/etc., because the oldest Fedora at any point is about
a year old.  The oldest EPEL (7) is currently approaching 9 years old,
and even the oldest you listed (8) is 4 years old.

It would also help with reproducibility.  EPEL is built against RHEL,
which is not freely available (yes, there are rebuilds, there are free
limited developer licenses, etc., but it's not directly easy for someone
else to exactly reproduce the EPEL build environment).  That's okay for
EPEL builds, but I personally feel it would be more acceptable to build
Fedora packages on Fedora.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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