
And to add to the reasons, if the GTK4 bindings of webkit would be used, we would lose screen reader accessibility completely, see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=227528.



Dne 03.07.2023 v 18:15 Simon de Vlieger napsal(a):
On 7/3/23 17:18, Demi Marie Obenour wrote:

Fair.  I wonder how much of that memory use would go away if instead of
using Firefox, the web content ran in an embedded WebKitGTK+ webview.
Browser security is not a concern here because in this case the web
content is trusted, and this would also allow using WebKitGTK+’s URL
redirection features instead of HTTP over localhost.

Funnily enough it was switched explicitly from webkitgtk to Firefox for a reason I forget; I think it was related to disk size. Perhaps Martin or Jiri has more details to share on that.

> That said, I do want to check that the new Anaconda installer and all
> of its transitive dependencies will be built from source on Fedora
> infrastructure.  That means _actual_ sources as found in the SCM
> repository, not the minified blobs one finds on NPM.  Web stuff has
> historically been extremely packaging-unfriendly for this reason, and
> the Node ecosystem has a long history of supply-chain attacks.  Using
> a React-based UI should mean finding the original source code to all
> of the transitive NPM dependencies, then rebuilding all of them on
> Fedora infrastructure.

As far as I know cockpit builds (don't know where) all its dependencies and ships them as part of their package but I could be very wrong on this. You could take a look there or direct questions about it there.

The Anaconda WebUI is implemented "in" cockpit.
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