
Qemu -  This is incorrected listed as maintained by me because I requested a
cvs branch earlier.  Someone with pkgdb access should fix it.

Don't use these any more:
Eina -- A classic player for a modern era Gimmage:  A Simple GNOME Image

Upstream is dead for a long time and now it is broken due to ghostscript
changes elsewhere and while there is a patch to fix it in Red Hat bugzilla,
I found other ways to accomplish this task better:

Pdfmerge:  Command line utility program for merging PDF files

Tumbler - Kevin Fenzi and Christopher Wickert are co-maintainers

These were picked up to help Fedora Infrastructure integrate Zikula for
Fedora Insight.  We have now shifted the plan to using Drupal instead.

zikula-module-feeds -- RSS feeds module for zikula

zikula-module-filterutil -- pagesetter like filter rules for zikula

zikula-module-pagemaster -- Creates pages with dynamic content like news,
articles, etc

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