
I've stumbled upon this piece of code in my package:
  # Define license macro if not present
  %{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc}


Git blame points out 7 year old commit:

The RPM docs says the %license 'Virtual File Attribute' was added in
version 4.11, which has been added to Fedora years before the commit

I tried to remove the line and I haven't noticed any differences in
output of "rpm -q -d <rpm>" and "rpm -q -L <rpm>" before and after.

I'm not even sure what the line is trying to do - I read it as "under
some condition, create %license global macro with value %doc".

However as %license and %doc are both Virtual File Attributes, I doubt
they can be overwritten to become macros. And if it could be, I can't
imagine what value will be given to the macro, as I'd guess that the
%doc Virtual File Attribute does not have any value but instead is
used as a keyword for the parser.


The questions are:
(1) is it safe to remove ?
(2) does it actually do anything?
(3) if yes, what does it do ?


Michal Schorm
Software Engineer
Core Services - Databases Team
Red Hat

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