On 12/09/2010 07:46 PM, Adam Jackson wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 17:20 +0100, Jiri Moskovcak wrote:
>>> 2) I really dislike that "local trace generation" and "retrace server"
>>> are discussed as though they're the only options.  If nothing else, for
>>> many non-trivial apps where abrt is potentially of the most use the core
>>> you're uploading can easily be hundreds of megabytes; that's not really
>>> better than downloading hundreds of megabytes.  A network debuginfo
>>> service [1] would approach this problem in a completely different way,
>>> by letting the client download exactly as much debuginfo as it needs.
>> I mentioned the debuginfofs many times in ABRT flames, there was however
>> a problem with our debug tools making it unusable, because one had to
>> read the whole debuginfo file from the server and few other problems so
>> that's why the retrace server idea came up. but this should fixed in the
>> current tools so theoretically nothing prevents us from reviving it..
>> once this is done ABRT can easily use it...
> I have trouble following what you're saying here.  At what point does
> one need to "read the whole debuginfo file"?

I'm referring to this: 


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