Hi Andrey,

Andrey Ivanov wrote:
> Hi Noriko,
> i've read the changelog encryption design document. Indeed, it's a
> sound idea to make AD-389 replication more robust. I have two
> questions about it:
> * if i understand correctly you say that the server needs a
> certificate in order to generate the symmetric key. Is this key
> generated only once?
That is correct.  If a wrapped symmetric key is not found in 
cn=changelog5,cn=config, the key is generated.
> I mean, if we change the expired server
> certificate it won't trigger the symmetric key regeneration?
That's tricky.  If your changelog DB contains 2 sets of encrypted value 
-- one is encrypted with the expired cert, the other with the new cert, 
it'd be hard to recover old ones.  Automation makes it happen easier...
> * The replication changelog that contains the mixed entries
> (cleartext, encrypted 3DES, encrypted AES etc) - is it still readable
> by the server?
I don't think so.  We should avoid it, too.
> Does each changelog entry contain a flag that describes
> whether the entry is cleartext/AES/3DES? Can the server "detect" in
> any other way whether the changelog entry is encrypted and if yes with
> what type of cypher?
The answer is no.  Each value has no info about the type -- 

Thanks for the questions, Andrey!

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