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This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==

This change introduces the upcoming major version 3 of the GNU Image
Manipulation Program in Fedora Linux.

== Owner ==

* Name: [[User:Nphilipp| Nils Philippsen]]

* Email: nphilipp -at- (or nils -at-

== Detailed Description ==

The [ GIMP project] intends to release the
major version 3] of the GNU Image Manipulation Program
[ later
this year].

This new version involves substantial changes to the technologies
used, which in turn means that third party plugins have to be ported
to be compatible. Therefore, this change will add the new version as a
new package <code>gimp3</code> which can be installed side-by-side
with the existing version 2.x package, so people can continue working
on existing projects with the old gimp version and its plugins.

In order to make upgrades seamless for users (and avoid having to go
through an exception process for a “new” <code>gimp2</code> package
needing Python 2.x), the existing package will remain named
<code>gimp</code> and it plus <code>gimp3</code> will obsolete the
version 2.x packages from Fedora Linux <= 40 in version 41.

== Feedback ==

Alternative proposals were made, e.g. in
the respective thread on the devel mailing list]:

* ''Replacing version 2 with version 3 wholesale, without possibility
for parallel installation, starting in Fedora Linux 41.''<br/>This
would force users to choose between using either using version 2.x or
3.x of GIMP, and it might make users with existing GIMP projects stay
longer on an older version of Fedora Linux than they would do
* ''Add <code>gimp2</code> for the old version, let <code>gimp</code>
become version 3 in Fedora Linux 41 …''<br/>This would need an
exception for the <code>gimp2</code> package, as it needs Python 2.x.
** ''… and introduce version 3 as <code>gimp3</code> in Fedora Linux
<= 40.'' This would come along with even more packaging churn, it
would introduce <code>gimp3</code> only for two existing Fedora
versions and then obsolete the package, also makes the upgrade
obsolete dance from 40 to 41 more complicated than it needs to be.
** ''… and only introduce GIMP version 3 in Fedora Linux >= 41.'' This
would withhold the benefits of the new GIMP version to users of older
Fedora Linux versions without a technical need to do so.

== Benefit to Fedora ==

This change upgrades GIMP to a version which doesn’t use ancient 2.x
versions of both GTK and Python anymore. Other than many new features
including better color management and the support of CMYK
import/export, it greatly improves user experience with certain input
devices such as tablets and on displays with very high resolutions.
Developers of plugins using Python can now use packages and language
features which simply don’t exist in Python 2.x.

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** Make (pre-releases) available as <code>gimp3</code> in Rawhide and
existing Fedora Linux versions.
** Ensure users of <code>gimp</code> get both versions when upgrading
their OS to Fedora Linux 41.
** Ensure comps is updated to refer to the new GIMP version from
Fedora Linux 41 on.

* Other developers: Maintainers of third party plugins work with their
respective upstreams to either find out if they have been ported to
GIMP 3.x, or assist in porting and make such ports available in

* Release engineering: This is a self-contained change and doesn’t
require that release engineering is involved.

* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

* Alignment with the Fedora Strategy: This change doesn’t particularly
relate to the 
the current Fedora Strategy], but it aligns well with “Freedom”,
“Features” and maybe ”First” of the
Fedora Foundations].

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==

The plan is that existing users of <code>gimp</code> end up with both
this package and the new version as <code>gimp3</code>. It should be
possible to install either version without pulling in the other on
Fedora Linux >= 41 (if technically feasible).

== User Experience ==

With Fedora Linux 41, users who install GIMP as an RPM package will
get the new version by default. It contains many new features and
improvements in the handling of input devices such as tablets and when
used on high resolution displays.

== Dependencies ==

A number of third party GIMP plugins are available to be installed as
packages on Fedora Linux. With the continued availability of version
2.x of GIMP, these packages can still be installed and used with the
old version. Whether or not these plugins will support the new GIMP
version very much depends on the particular plugin, or rather the
upstream projects for these plugins. Therefore it’s a bit early to
make plans for packaging plugins available for both GIMP versions at
this point.

== Contingency Plan ==

* Contingency mechanism: Not ship the package, bump “seamless update”
measures to be effective in Fedora Linux 42.
* Contingency deadline: Beta Freeze
* Blocks release? No

== Documentation ==


== Release Notes ==

This release of Fedora Linux ships version 3 of the GNU Image
Manipulation Program, with many new features and improved user
experience. The package is called <code>gimp3</code>, the old version
will still be available under the old name, <code>gimp</code> for
users who need it for existing projects.

Aoife Moloney

Fedora Operations Architect

Fedora Project


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