I'll grab this one - erlang-p1_acme

On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 9:44 PM <maxw...@gtmx.me> wrote:
> Report started at 2024-06-14 19:04:03 UTC
> The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
> are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
> that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_remove_a_package_at_end_of_life
> Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
> packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package 
> or
> retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
> package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.
> Request package ownership via the *Take* button in the left column on
> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/<pkgname>
> Full report available at:
> https://a.gtmx.me/orphans/orphans.txt
> grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.
> For human readable dependency chains,
> see https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/
> For all orphaned packages,
> see https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/orphan
>             Package                      (co)maintainers           Status 
> Change
> ================================================================================
> 3Depict                           orphan                           4 weeks ago
> BitchX                            orphan, rdieter                  4 weeks ago
> balsa                             orphan                           4 weeks ago
> bti                               orphan                           7 weeks ago
> buildstream                       atim, orphan                     3 weeks ago
> container-exception-logger        @abrt-sig, mmarusak, orphan      4 weeks ago
> cutecw                            orphan                           4 weeks ago
> dnssec-nodes                      orphan                           4 weeks ago
> dnssec-system-tray                orphan                           4 weeks ago
> erlang-p1_acme                    @erlang-maint-sig, orphan        5 weeks ago
> fleet-commander-admin             orphan                           4 weeks ago
> fleet-commander-client            orphan                           4 weeks ago
> gofer                             orphan                           4 weeks ago
> golang-github-client9-gospell     @go-sig, orphan                  4 weeks ago
> golang-github-elves-elvish        @go-sig, orphan                  8 weeks ago
> golang-github-xiaq-persistent     @go-sig, orphan                  8 weeks ago
> golang-k8s-cli-runtime            @go-sig, orphan                  5 weeks ago
> golang-k8s-kubectl                @go-sig, orphan                  5 weeks ago
> grpc                              defolos, orphan                  2 weeks ago
> gtypist                           orphan                           4 weeks ago
> jgit                              orphan                           4 weeks ago
> jolokia-jvm-agent                 orphan                           9 weeks ago
> kanotf-fonts                      orphan                           4 weeks ago
> laf-plugin                        orphan                           4 weeks ago
> levien-museum-fonts               orphan                           4 weeks ago
> libitl                            moceap, orphan                   4 weeks ago
> logserial                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
> mingw-cppunit                     orphan                           6 weeks ago
> mingw-freeimage                   orphan                           9 weeks ago
> mingw-sword                       orphan                           5 weeks ago
> neofetch                          orphan                           6 weeks ago
> nuntius                           kalev, orphan                    4 weeks ago
> oc-inject                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
> perl-Flickr-API                   orphan                           4 weeks ago
> perl-Flickr-Upload                orphan                           4 weeks ago
> perl-Getopt-GUI-Long              orphan                           4 weeks ago
> perl-QWizard                      orphan                           4 weeks ago
> php-doctrine-common3              orphan                           1 weeks ago
> php-doctrine-orm                  orphan, remi                     1 weeks ago
> pidgin-guifications               nosnilmot, orphan                4 weeks ago
> polkit-gnome                      @epel-packagers-sig, orphan      0 weeks ago
> prometheus-jmx-exporter           orphan                           9 weeks ago
> prometheus-simpleclient-java      orphan                           9 weeks ago
> python-amico                      orphan                           1 weeks ago
> python-glue                       orphan                           4 weeks ago
> python-googleapis-common-protos   @python-packagers-sig, fkolwa,   2 weeks ago
>                                   miyunari, orphan
> python-orderedset                 orphan                           0 weeks ago
> python-pytest-grpc                orphan                           2 weeks ago
> python-pyzabbix                   orion, orphan                    4 weeks ago
> python-satyr                      @abrt-sig, orphan                4 weeks ago
> python-smartcols                  orphan                           0 weeks ago
> python-tmuxp                      @epel-packagers-sig, orphan      0 weeks ago
> python-tweepy                     @python-packagers-sig, orphan    1 weeks ago
> python-zbase32                    orphan                           4 weeks ago
> ren                               orphan                           4 weeks ago
> reportd                           @abrt-sig, orphan                4 weeks ago
> rsibreak                          orion, orphan, rdieter           1 weeks ago
> rubygem-daemons                   orphan                           4 weeks ago
> rust-digest_auth                  @rust-sig, orphan                5 weeks ago
> rust-lev_distance                 @rust-sig, orphan                5 weeks ago
> rust-stratisd_proc_macros         @rust-sig, bgurney, mulhern,     7 weeks ago
>                                   orphan
> rust-xkbcommon                    @rust-sig, orphan                4 weeks ago
> sat4j                             @eclipse-sig, orphan             4 weeks ago
> snakeyaml                         mizdebsk, orphan, sbluhm         9 weeks ago
> spice-html5                       echevemaster, orphan             4 weeks ago
> sugar-colordeducto                chimosky, orphan                 4 weeks ago
> sugar-story                       chimosky, orphan                 4 weeks ago
> sugar-xoeditor                    chimosky, orphan                 4 weeks ago
> tcpxtract                         orphan                           4 weeks ago
> termy-server                      orphan                           4 weeks ago
> vim-editorconfig                  orphan                           10 weeks 
> ago
> wdune                             orphan                           7 weeks ago
> will-crash                        @abrt-sig, orphan                4 weeks ago
> xmlcopyeditor                     orphan                           4 weeks ago
> xu4                               orphan                           4 weeks ago
> The following packages require above mentioned packages:
> Depending on: container-exception-logger (3), status change: 2024-05-16 (4 
> weeks ago)
>         abrt-java-connector (maintained by: @abrt-sig, msrb)
>                 abrt-java-connector-container-1.3.2-6.fc40.x86_64 requires 
> container-exception-logger = 1.0.3-12.fc40, libabrt.so.0()(64bit), 
> libabrt.so.0(LIBRABRT_2.14.5)(64bit)
>                 abrt-java-connector-1.3.2-6.fc40.src requires pkgconfig(abrt) 
> = 2.17.5
>                 abrt-java-connector-1.3.2-6.fc40.x86_64 requires abrt = 
> 2.17.5-2.fc41, libabrt.so.0()(64bit), libabrt.so.0(LIBRABRT_2.14.5)(64bit)
>         abrt (maintained by: @abrt-sig, abrt-team, mmarusak)
>                 python3-abrt-container-addon-2.17.5-2.fc41.noarch requires 
> container-exception-logger = 1.0.3-12.fc40
>                 abrt-desktop-2.17.5-2.fc41.x86_64 requires gnome-abrt = 
> 1.4.3-2.fc41
>                 abrt-gui-2.17.5-2.fc41.x86_64 requires gnome-abrt = 
> 1.4.3-2.fc41
>         gnome-abrt (maintained by: @abrt-sig, msrb)
>                 gnome-abrt-1.4.3-2.fc41.src requires abrt-gui-devel = 
> 2.17.5-2.fc41
>                 gnome-abrt-1.4.3-2.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libabrt.so.0()(64bit), libabrt.so.0(LIBRABRT_2.14.5)(64bit)
> Depending on: golang-github-xiaq-persistent (1), status change: 2024-04-19 (8 
> weeks ago)
>         golang-github-elves-elvish (maintained by: @go-sig, orphan)
>                 golang-github-elves-elvish-0.15.0-11.fc40.src requires 
> golang(github.com/xiaq/persistent/hash) = 0-0.12.20210113git3175cfb.fc40, 
> golang(github.com/xiaq/persistent/hashmap) = 0-0.12.20210113git3175cfb.fc40, 
> golang(github.com/xiaq/persistent/vector) = 0-0.12.20210113git3175cfb.fc40
>                 golang-github-elves-elvish-devel-0.15.0-11.fc40.noarch 
> requires golang(github.com/xiaq/persistent/hash) = 
> 0-0.12.20210113git3175cfb.fc40, golang(github.com/xiaq/persistent/hashmap) = 
> 0-0.12.20210113git3175cfb.fc40, golang(github.com/xiaq/persistent/vector) = 
> 0-0.12.20210113git3175cfb.fc40
> Depending on: golang-k8s-cli-runtime (3), status change: 2024-05-08 (5 weeks 
> ago)
>         golang-helm-3 (maintained by: @go-sig, dcavalca, rathann)
>                 golang-helm-3-3.11.1-5.fc40.src requires 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/get) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/testing) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/util) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/validation) = 1.22.0-10.fc40
>                 golang-helm-3-devel-3.11.1-5.fc40.noarch requires 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/get) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/util) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/validation) = 1.22.0-10.fc40
>         golang-k8s-kubectl (maintained by: @go-sig, orphan)
>                 golang-k8s-kubectl-1.22.0-10.fc40.src requires 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource) = 1.22.0-9.fc40
>                 golang-k8s-kubectl-devel-1.22.0-10.fc40.noarch requires 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/printers) = 1.22.0-9.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource) = 1.22.0-9.fc40
>         golang-k8s-sample-cli-plugin (maintained by: @go-sig, eclipseo)
>                 golang-k8s-sample-cli-plugin-1.22.0-11.fc40.src requires 
> golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions) = 1.22.0-9.fc40
>                 golang-k8s-sample-cli-plugin-devel-1.22.0-11.fc40.noarch 
> requires golang(k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericclioptions) = 1.22.0-9.fc40
> Depending on: golang-k8s-kubectl (1), status change: 2024-05-08 (5 weeks ago)
>         golang-helm-3 (maintained by: @go-sig, dcavalca, rathann)
>                 golang-helm-3-3.11.1-5.fc40.src requires 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/get) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/testing) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/util) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/validation) = 1.22.0-10.fc40
>                 golang-helm-3-devel-3.11.1-5.fc40.noarch requires 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/get) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/util) = 1.22.0-10.fc40, 
> golang(k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/validation) = 1.22.0-10.fc40
> Depending on: grpc (22), status change: 2024-05-29 (2 weeks ago)
>         CuraEngine_grpc_definitions (maintained by: spot)
>                 CuraEngine_grpc_definitions-0.1.0-5.fc40.i686 requires 
> libgrpc++_unsecure.so.1.48
>                 CuraEngine_grpc_definitions-0.1.0-5.fc40.src requires 
> grpc-devel = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 CuraEngine_grpc_definitions-0.1.0-5.fc40.x86_64 requires 
> libgrpc++_unsecure.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         bear (maintained by: @epel-packagers-sig, defolos, music, thofmann)
>                 bear-3.1.4-1.fc41.src requires grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41, 
> pkgconfig(grpc++) = 1.48.4
>                 bear-3.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64 requires libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         buildstream (maintained by: atim, orphan)
>                 buildstream-1.6.9-4.fc40.noarch requires python3-grpcio = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 buildstream-1.6.9-4.fc40.src requires python3-grpcio = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>         credentials-fetcher (maintained by: saakla, samiullahmohammed, spot)
>                 credentials-fetcher-1.3.6-0.fc40.src requires grpc-devel = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 credentials-fetcher-1.3.6-0.fc40.x86_64 requires 
> libgpr.so.26()(64bit), libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++_reflection.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit)
>         fastnetmon (maintained by: music, odintsov)
>                 fastnetmon-1.2.1-16.20220528git420e7b8.fc40.src requires 
> grpc-cpp = 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-devel = 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-plugins = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 fastnetmon-1.2.1-16.20220528git420e7b8.fc40.x86_64 requires 
> libgpr.so.26()(64bit), libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         frr (maintained by: mruprich, tkorbar)
>                 frr-9.1-4.fc41.src requires grpc-devel = 1.48.4-37.fc41, 
> grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 frr-9.1-4.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>         libarrow (maintained by: kkeithle, music)
>                 libarrow-16.1.0-4.fc41.src requires grpc-devel = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 libarrow-flight-libs-16.1.0-4.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit)
>         nanopb (maintained by: topazus)
>                 nanopb-0.4.8-4.fc41.src requires python3dist(grpcio-tools) = 
> 1.48.4
>         perl-grpc-xs (maintained by: @perl-maint-sig, ppisar)
>                 perl-grpc-xs-0.38-5.fc41.src requires grpc-devel = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 perl-grpc-xs-0.38-5.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libgrpc.so.26()(64bit)
>         python-google-api-core (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, fkolwa, 
> jonathanspw, miyunari)
>                 python-google-api-core-1:2.11.1-9.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-google-api-core-1:2.11.1-9.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4, python3dist(grpcio-status) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-google-api-core+grpc-1:2.11.1-9.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4, python3.13dist(grpcio-status) = 1.48.4
>         python-googleapis-common-protos (maintained by: 
> @python-packagers-sig, fkolwa, miyunari, orphan)
>                 python-googleapis-common-protos-1.63.0-5.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-googleapis-common-protos+grpc-1.63.0-5.fc41.noarch 
> requires python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-grpc-google-iam-v1 (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, 
> jonathanspw)
>                 python-grpc-google-iam-v1-0.13.0-5.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-grpc-google-iam-v1-0.13.0-5.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-opencensus-proto (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, 
> mhayden, music)
>                 python-opencensus-proto-0.4.1-9.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-opencensus-proto-0.4.1-9.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-opentelemetry (maintained by: mhayden, music, pwouters, rominf)
>                 python-opentelemetry-1.25.0-4.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
> python3-opentelemetry-exporter-opencensus-0.46~b0-4.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
> python3-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc-1.25.0-4.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-pytest-grpc (maintained by: orphan)
>                 python-pytest-grpc-0.8.0^20210806git3f21554-16.fc41.src 
> requires python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-pytest-grpc-0.8.0^20210806git3f21554-16.fc41.noarch 
> requires python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-chirpstack-api (maintained by: fab)
>                 python3-chirpstack-api-3.9.4-12.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-etcd3 (maintained by: vascom)
>                 python3-etcd3-0.12.0-13.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-google-cloud-core (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, 
> fkolwa, jonathanspw, miyunari)
>                 python3-google-cloud-core+grpc-2.3.3-5.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-grpcio-gcp (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, mhayden)
>                 python3-grpcio-gcp-0.2.2-15.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-sentry-sdk (maintained by: edward-evans-aiven, italomga, 
> nickfarrell, orange-kao, pwouters, rominf, rommell)
>                 python3-sentry-sdk+grpcio-2.1.1-3.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         qt6-qtgrpc (maintained by: @kde-sig, jgrulich)
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-6.7.1-1.fc41.src requires pkgconfig(grpc++) = 
> 1.48.4
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-devel-6.7.1-1.fc41.i686 requires pkgconfig(grpc++) 
> = 1.48.4
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-devel-6.7.1-1.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> pkgconfig(grpc++) = 1.48.4
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-examples-6.7.1-1.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libgpr.so.26()(64bit), libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         syslog-ng (maintained by: czanik, mrunge)
>                 syslog-ng-bigquery-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>                 syslog-ng-grpc-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>                 syslog-ng-loki-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>                 syslog-ng-opentelemetry-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>         Too many dependencies for grpc, not all listed here
> Depending on: jgit (5), status change: 2024-05-16 (4 weeks ago)
>         java-diff-utils (maintained by: canderson9, jvanek)
>                 java-diff-utils-4.12-7.fc41.src requires 
> mvn(org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit) =
>                 java-diff-utils-jgit-4.12-7.fc41.noarch requires 
> mvn(org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit) =
>         java-runtime-decompiler (maintained by: jvanek, pmikova, radekmanak)
>                 java-runtime-decompiler-9.1-5.fc41.noarch requires 
> java-diff-utils = 4.12-7.fc41, mvn(io.github.java-diff-utils:java-diff-utils) 
> = 4.12
>                 java-runtime-decompiler-9.1-5.fc41.src requires 
> java-diff-utils = 4.12-7.fc41
>         scala (maintained by: canderson9, mizdebsk)
>                 scala-2.13.13-1.fc41~bootstrap.noarch requires 
> mvn(io.github.java-diff-utils:java-diff-utils) = 4.12
>                 scala-2.13.13-1.fc41~bootstrap.src requires 
> mvn(io.github.java-diff-utils:java-diff-utils) = 4.12
>         truth (maintained by: orion)
>                 truth-1.0.1-10.fc41.noarch requires 
> mvn(io.github.java-diff-utils:java-diff-utils) = 4.12
>                 truth-1.0.1-10.fc41.src requires 
> mvn(io.github.java-diff-utils:java-diff-utils) = 4.12
>         vim-syntastic (maintained by: mhjacks)
>                 vim-syntastic-scala-3.10.0-22.fc40.noarch requires scala = 
> 2.13.13-1.fc41~bootstrap
> Depending on: perl-Flickr-API (1), status change: 2024-05-16 (4 weeks ago)
>         perl-Flickr-Upload (maintained by: orphan)
>                 perl-Flickr-Upload-2:1.6-23.fc40.noarch requires 
> perl(Flickr::API) = 1.28
>                 perl-Flickr-Upload-2:1.6-23.fc40.src requires 
> perl(Flickr::API) = 1.28
> Depending on: perl-Getopt-GUI-Long (3), status change: 2024-05-16 (4 weeks 
> ago)
>         dnssec-tools (maintained by: mspacek)
>                 dnssec-tools-2.2.3-24.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> perl(Getopt::GUI::Long) = 0.93
>                 dnssec-tools-perlmods-2.2.3-24.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> perl(Getopt::GUI::Long) = 0.93
>         dnssec-nodes (maintained by: orphan)
>                 dnssec-nodes-2.1-22.fc40.src requires dnssec-tools-libs-devel 
> = 2.2.3-24.fc41
>                 dnssec-nodes-2.1-22.fc40.x86_64 requires dnssec-tools-libs = 
> 2.2.3-24.fc41, libsres.so.15()(64bit), libval-threads.so.15()(64bit)
>         lookup (maintained by: mspacek)
>                 lookup-2.2.3-13.fc40.src requires dnssec-tools-libs-devel = 
> 2.2.3-24.fc41
>                 lookup-2.2.3-13.fc40.x86_64 requires libsres.so.15()(64bit), 
> libval-threads.so.15()(64bit)
> Depending on: perl-QWizard (4), status change: 2024-05-16 (4 weeks ago)
>         dnssec-tools (maintained by: mspacek)
>                 dnssec-tools-2.2.3-24.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> perl(Getopt::GUI::Long) = 0.93, perl(QWizard) = 3.15
>                 dnssec-tools-perlmods-2.2.3-24.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> perl(Getopt::GUI::Long) = 0.93
>         perl-Getopt-GUI-Long (maintained by: orphan)
>                 perl-Getopt-GUI-Long-0.93-28.fc40.noarch requires 
> perl(QWizard) = 3.15
>         dnssec-nodes (maintained by: orphan)
>                 dnssec-nodes-2.1-22.fc40.src requires dnssec-tools-libs-devel 
> = 2.2.3-24.fc41
>                 dnssec-nodes-2.1-22.fc40.x86_64 requires dnssec-tools-libs = 
> 2.2.3-24.fc41, libsres.so.15()(64bit), libval-threads.so.15()(64bit)
>         lookup (maintained by: mspacek)
>                 lookup-2.2.3-13.fc40.src requires dnssec-tools-libs-devel = 
> 2.2.3-24.fc41
>                 lookup-2.2.3-13.fc40.x86_64 requires libsres.so.15()(64bit), 
> libval-threads.so.15()(64bit)
> Depending on: php-doctrine-orm (4), status change: 2024-06-03 (1 weeks ago)
>         php-doctrine-datafixtures (maintained by: remi, siwinski)
>                 php-doctrine-datafixtures-1.6.5-2.fc39.src requires 
> php-composer(doctrine/orm) = 2.14.1
>         php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle (maintained by: siwinski)
>                 php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle-1.12.13-6.fc38.src requires 
> php-composer(doctrine/orm) = 2.14.1
>         php-symfony (maintained by: siwinski)
>                 php-symfony-2.8.52-10.fc38.src requires 
> php-composer(doctrine/data-fixtures) = 1.6.5, 
> php-composer(doctrine/doctrine-bundle) = 1.12.13, php-composer(doctrine/orm) 
> = 2.14.1
>                 php-symfony-doctrine-bridge-2.8.52-10.fc38.noarch requires 
> php-composer(doctrine/data-fixtures) = 1.6.5, php-composer(doctrine/orm) = 
> 2.14.1
>         php-symfony3 (maintained by: remi, siwinski)
>                 php-symfony3-3.4.49-5.fc38.src requires 
> php-composer(doctrine/data-fixtures) = 1.6.5, 
> php-composer(doctrine/doctrine-bundle) = 1.12.13, php-composer(doctrine/orm) 
> = 2.14.1
>                 php-symfony3-class-loader-3.4.49-5.fc38.noarch requires 
> php-symfony-class-loader = 2.8.52-10.fc38
> Depending on: polkit-gnome (25), status change: 2024-06-12 (0 weeks ago)
>         cinnamon-session (maintained by: @epel-packagers-sig, jcpunk, 
> leigh123linux)
>                 cinnamon-session-6.2.0-2.fc41.x86_64 requires polkit-gnome = 
> 0.106-0.16.20170423gita0763a2.fc40
>         cinnamon (maintained by: @epel-packagers-sig, jcpunk, leigh123linux)
>                 cinnamon-6.2.0-0.4.20240613git3aed68c.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> cinnamon-session(x86-64) = 6.2.0-2.fc41
>         imsettings (maintained by: tagoh)
>                 imsettings-cinnamon-1.8.9-1.fc41.x86_64 requires cinnamon = 
> 6.2.0-0.4.20240613git3aed68c.fc41, cinnamon-session = 6.2.0-2.fc41
>         arc-theme (maintained by: nonamedotc)
>                 arc-theme-20221218-6.fc40.src requires cinnamon = 
> 6.2.0-0.4.20240613git3aed68c.fc41
>         fcitx (maintained by: cheeselee, cicku, pwu, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx- requires imsettings = 1.8.9-1.fc41
>                 fcitx-gtk3- requires imsettings-gnome = 
> 1.8.9-1.fc41
>         gcin (maintained by: cheeselee, cicku, zsun)
>                 gcin-2.9.0-11.fc39.i686 requires imsettings = 1.8.9-1.fc41
>                 gcin-2.9.0-11.fc39.x86_64 requires imsettings = 1.8.9-1.fc41
>         im-chooser (maintained by: tagoh)
>                 im-chooser-1.7.5-1.fc41.src requires imsettings-devel = 
> 1.8.9-1.fc41
>                 im-chooser-common-1.7.5-1.fc41.i686 requires imsettings = 
> 1.8.9-1.fc41, libimsettings.so.5
>                 im-chooser-common-1.7.5-1.fc41.x86_64 requires imsettings = 
> 1.8.9-1.fc41, libimsettings.so.5()(64bit)
>         scim (maintained by: pwu)
>                 scim-1.4.18-9.fc40.x86_64 requires imsettings = 1.8.9-1.fc41
>         uim (maintained by: tagoh)
>                 uim-1.8.9-7.fc40.i686 requires imsettings = 1.8.9-1.fc41
>                 uim-1.8.9-7.fc40.x86_64 requires imsettings = 1.8.9-1.fc41
>         fcitx-anthy (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-anthy-0.2.3-9.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-anthy-0.2.3-9.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>         fcitx-chewing (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-chewing-0.2.3-19.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-chewing-0.2.3-19.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, fcitx-data =
>         fcitx-cloudpinyin (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-cloudpinyin-0.3.7-13.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-cloudpinyin-0.3.7-13.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, fcitx-pinyin =
>         fcitx-configtool (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-configtool-0.4.10-19.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-configtool-0.4.10-19.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, libfcitx-config.so.4()(64bit), libfcitx-core.so.0()(64bit), 
> libfcitx-gclient.so.1()(64bit), libfcitx-utils.so.0()(64bit)
>         fcitx-fbterm (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-fbterm-0.2.0-28.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-fbterm-0.2.0-28.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, libfcitx-gclient.so.1()(64bit), libfcitx-utils.so.0()(64bit)
>         fcitx-hangul (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-hangul-0.3.1-19.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-hangul-0.3.1-19.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>         fcitx-kkc (maintained by: ueno)
>                 fcitx-kkc-0.1.4-9.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-kkc-0.1.4-9.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, libfcitx-config.so.4()(64bit), libfcitx-utils.so.0()(64bit)
>         fcitx-libpinyin (maintained by: cheeselee, pwu, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-libpinyin-0.5.4-10.fc40.src requires fcitx = 
>, fcitx-devel =
>                 fcitx-libpinyin-0.5.4-10.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, libfcitx-config.so.4()(64bit), libfcitx-utils.so.0()(64bit)
>         fcitx-m17n (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-m17n-0.2.4-18.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-m17n-0.2.4-18.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>         fcitx-qt5 (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-qt5-1.2.6-21.fc41.i686 requires libfcitx-config.so.4, 
> libfcitx-utils.so.0
>                 fcitx-qt5-1.2.6-21.fc41.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-qt5-1.2.6-21.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libfcitx-config.so.4()(64bit), libfcitx-utils.so.0()(64bit)
>         fcitx-skk (maintained by: ueno)
>                 fcitx-skk-0.1.4-9.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-skk-0.1.4-9.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, libfcitx-config.so.4()(64bit), libfcitx-utils.so.0()(64bit)
>         fcitx-sunpinyin (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-sunpinyin-0.4.2-19.fc40.src requires fcitx = 
>, fcitx-devel =
>                 fcitx-sunpinyin-0.4.2-19.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, fcitx-data =
>         fcitx-table-extra (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-table-extra-0.3.8-18.fc40.noarch requires fcitx = 
>                 fcitx-table-extra-0.3.8-18.fc40.src requires fcitx = 
>, fcitx-devel =
>         fcitx-table-other (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-table-other-0.2.4-18.fc40.noarch requires fcitx = 
>                 fcitx-table-other-0.2.4-18.fc40.src requires fcitx = 
>, fcitx-devel =
>         fcitx-ui-light (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-ui-light-0.1.3-29.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-ui-light-0.1.3-29.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>         fcitx-unikey (maintained by: cheeselee, yanqiyu)
>                 fcitx-unikey-0.2.7-18.fc40.src requires fcitx-devel = 
>                 fcitx-unikey-0.2.7-18.fc40.x86_64 requires fcitx = 
>, libfcitx-config.so.4()(64bit)
>         Too many dependencies for polkit-gnome, not all listed here
> Depending on: prometheus-simpleclient-java (1), status change: 2024-04-08 (9 
> weeks ago)
>         prometheus-jmx-exporter (maintained by: orphan)
>                 prometheus-jmx-exporter-0.16.1-13.fc41.src requires 
> mvn(io.prometheus:simpleclient) = 0.12.0, 
> mvn(io.prometheus:simpleclient_common) = 0.12.0, 
> mvn(io.prometheus:simpleclient_hotspot) = 0.12.0, 
> mvn(io.prometheus:simpleclient_httpserver) = 0.12.0
> Depending on: python-googleapis-common-protos (23), status change: 2024-05-29 
> (2 weeks ago)
>         grpc (maintained by: defolos, orphan)
>                 grpc-1.48.4-37.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63
>                 python3-grpcio-status-1.48.4-37.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63
>         python-google-api-core (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, fkolwa, 
> jonathanspw, miyunari)
>                 python-google-api-core-1:2.11.1-9.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63, python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-google-api-core-1:2.11.1-9.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63, python3dist(grpcio) = 
> 1.48.4, python3dist(grpcio-status) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-google-api-core+grpc-1:2.11.1-9.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4, python3.13dist(grpcio-status) = 1.48.4
>         python-grpc-google-iam-v1 (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, 
> jonathanspw)
>                 python-grpc-google-iam-v1-0.13.0-5.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63, 
> python3dist(googleapis-common-protos[grpc]) = 1.63, python3dist(grpcio) = 
> 1.48.4
>                 python3-grpc-google-iam-v1-0.13.0-5.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63, 
> python3.13dist(googleapis-common-protos[grpc]) = 1.63, python3.13dist(grpcio) 
> = 1.48.4
>         python-opentelemetry (maintained by: mhayden, music, pwouters, rominf)
>                 python-opentelemetry-1.25.0-4.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63, python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
> python3-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc-1.25.0-4.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63, python3.13dist(grpcio) = 
> 1.48.4
> python3-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http-1.25.0-4.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(googleapis-common-protos) = 1.63
> python3-opentelemetry-exporter-opencensus-0.46~b0-4.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         CuraEngine_grpc_definitions (maintained by: spot)
>                 CuraEngine_grpc_definitions-0.1.0-5.fc40.i686 requires 
> libgrpc++_unsecure.so.1.48
>                 CuraEngine_grpc_definitions-0.1.0-5.fc40.src requires 
> grpc-devel = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 CuraEngine_grpc_definitions-0.1.0-5.fc40.x86_64 requires 
> libgrpc++_unsecure.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         bear (maintained by: @epel-packagers-sig, defolos, music, thofmann)
>                 bear-3.1.4-1.fc41.src requires grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41, 
> pkgconfig(grpc++) = 1.48.4
>                 bear-3.1.4-1.fc41.x86_64 requires libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         buildstream (maintained by: atim, orphan)
>                 buildstream-1.6.9-4.fc40.noarch requires python3-grpcio = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 buildstream-1.6.9-4.fc40.src requires python3-grpcio = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>         credentials-fetcher (maintained by: saakla, samiullahmohammed, spot)
>                 credentials-fetcher-1.3.6-0.fc40.src requires grpc-devel = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 credentials-fetcher-1.3.6-0.fc40.x86_64 requires 
> libgpr.so.26()(64bit), libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++_reflection.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit)
>         fastnetmon (maintained by: music, odintsov)
>                 fastnetmon-1.2.1-16.20220528git420e7b8.fc40.src requires 
> grpc-cpp = 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-devel = 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-plugins = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 fastnetmon-1.2.1-16.20220528git420e7b8.fc40.x86_64 requires 
> libgpr.so.26()(64bit), libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         frr (maintained by: mruprich, tkorbar)
>                 frr-9.1-4.fc41.src requires grpc-devel = 1.48.4-37.fc41, 
> grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 frr-9.1-4.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>         libarrow (maintained by: kkeithle, music)
>                 libarrow-16.1.0-4.fc41.src requires grpc-devel = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41, grpc-plugins = 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 libarrow-flight-libs-16.1.0-4.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit)
>         nanopb (maintained by: topazus)
>                 nanopb-0.4.8-4.fc41.src requires python3dist(grpcio-tools) = 
> 1.48.4
>         perl-grpc-xs (maintained by: @perl-maint-sig, ppisar)
>                 perl-grpc-xs-0.38-5.fc41.src requires grpc-devel = 
> 1.48.4-37.fc41
>                 perl-grpc-xs-0.38-5.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libgrpc.so.26()(64bit)
>         python-googleapis-common-protos (maintained by: 
> @python-packagers-sig, fkolwa, miyunari, orphan)
>                 python-googleapis-common-protos-1.63.0-5.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-googleapis-common-protos+grpc-1.63.0-5.fc41.noarch 
> requires python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-opencensus-proto (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, 
> mhayden, music)
>                 python-opencensus-proto-0.4.1-9.fc41.src requires 
> python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-opencensus-proto-0.4.1-9.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-pytest-grpc (maintained by: orphan)
>                 python-pytest-grpc-0.8.0^20210806git3f21554-16.fc41.src 
> requires python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>                 python3-pytest-grpc-0.8.0^20210806git3f21554-16.fc41.noarch 
> requires python3dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-chirpstack-api (maintained by: fab)
>                 python3-chirpstack-api-3.9.4-12.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-etcd3 (maintained by: vascom)
>                 python3-etcd3-0.12.0-13.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-google-cloud-core (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, 
> fkolwa, jonathanspw, miyunari)
>                 python3-google-cloud-core+grpc-2.3.3-5.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-grpcio-gcp (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, mhayden)
>                 python3-grpcio-gcp-0.2.2-15.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         python-sentry-sdk (maintained by: edward-evans-aiven, italomga, 
> nickfarrell, orange-kao, pwouters, rominf, rommell)
>                 python3-sentry-sdk+grpcio-2.1.1-3.fc41.noarch requires 
> python3.13dist(grpcio) = 1.48.4
>         qt6-qtgrpc (maintained by: @kde-sig, jgrulich)
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-6.7.1-1.fc41.src requires pkgconfig(grpc++) = 
> 1.48.4
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-devel-6.7.1-1.fc41.i686 requires pkgconfig(grpc++) 
> = 1.48.4
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-devel-6.7.1-1.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> pkgconfig(grpc++) = 1.48.4
>                 qt6-qtgrpc-examples-6.7.1-1.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libgpr.so.26()(64bit), libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit)
>         syslog-ng (maintained by: czanik, mrunge)
>                 syslog-ng-bigquery-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>                 syslog-ng-grpc-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>                 syslog-ng-loki-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>                 syslog-ng-opentelemetry-4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 requires 
> libaddress_sorting.so.26()(64bit), libgpr.so.26()(64bit), 
> libgrpc++.so.1.48()(64bit), libgrpc.so.26()(64bit), libupb.so.26()(64bit)
>         Too many dependencies for python-googleapis-common-protos, not all 
> listed here
> Depending on: rust-lev_distance (1), status change: 2024-05-05 (5 weeks ago)
>         rust-suggest (maintained by: @rust-sig, saluki)
>                 rust-suggest-0.5.1-1.fc41.src requires 
> crate(lev_distance/default) = 0.1.1
>                 rust-suggest-devel-0.5.1-1.fc41.noarch requires 
> crate(lev_distance/default) = 0.1.1
> Depending on: snakeyaml (3), status change: 2024-04-08 (9 weeks ago)
>         prometheus-jmx-exporter (maintained by: orphan)
>                 prometheus-jmx-exporter-0.16.1-13.fc41.src requires 
> mvn(org.yaml:snakeyaml) = 2.2
>         rhino (maintained by: didiksupriadi41, ebaron)
>                 rhino-1.7.14-10.fc41.src requires mvn(org.yaml:snakeyaml) = 
> 2.2
>         freemarker (maintained by: didiksupriadi41)
>                 freemarker-2.3.31-12.fc40.src requires mvn(rhino:js) = 1.7.14
> Affected (co)maintainers
> @abrt-sig: will-crash, python-satyr, reportd, container-exception-logger
> @eclipse-sig: sat4j
> @epel-packagers-sig: python-googleapis-common-protos, polkit-gnome, grpc, 
> python-tmuxp
> @erlang-maint-sig: erlang-p1_acme
> @go-sig: golang-github-client9-gospell, golang-github-elves-elvish, 
> golang-github-xiaq-persistent, golang-k8s-kubectl, golang-k8s-cli-runtime
> @kde-sig: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> @perl-maint-sig: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> @python-packagers-sig: python-tweepy, python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> @rust-sig: rust-lev_distance, rust-stratisd_proc_macros, rust-xkbcommon, 
> rust-digest_auth
> abrt-team: container-exception-logger
> atim: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc, buildstream
> bgurney: rust-stratisd_proc_macros
> canderson9: jgit
> cheeselee: polkit-gnome
> chimosky: sugar-story, sugar-xoeditor, sugar-colordeducto
> cicku: polkit-gnome
> czanik: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> dcavalca: golang-k8s-kubectl, golang-k8s-cli-runtime
> defolos: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> didiksupriadi41: snakeyaml
> ebaron: snakeyaml
> echevemaster: spice-html5
> eclipseo: golang-k8s-cli-runtime
> edward-evans-aiven: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> fab: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> fkolwa: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> italomga: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> jcpunk: polkit-gnome
> jgrulich: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> jonathanspw: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> jvanek: jgit
> kalev: nuntius
> kkeithle: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> leigh123linux: polkit-gnome
> mhayden: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> mhjacks: jgit
> miyunari: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> mizdebsk: jgit, snakeyaml
> mmarusak: container-exception-logger
> moceap: libitl
> mrunge: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> mruprich: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> mspacek: perl-Getopt-GUI-Long, perl-QWizard
> msrb: container-exception-logger
> mulhern: rust-stratisd_proc_macros
> music: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> nickfarrell: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> nonamedotc: polkit-gnome
> nosnilmot: pidgin-guifications
> odintsov: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> orange-kao: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> orion: jgit, python-pyzabbix, rsibreak
> pmikova: jgit
> ppisar: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> pwouters: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> pwu: polkit-gnome
> radekmanak: jgit
> rathann: golang-k8s-kubectl, golang-k8s-cli-runtime
> rdieter: BitchX, rsibreak
> remi: php-doctrine-orm
> rominf: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> rommell: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> saakla: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> saluki: rust-lev_distance
> samiullahmohammed: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> sbluhm: snakeyaml
> siwinski: php-doctrine-orm
> spot: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> tagoh: polkit-gnome
> thofmann: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> tkorbar: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> topazus: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> ueno: polkit-gnome
> vascom: python-googleapis-common-protos, grpc
> yanqiyu: polkit-gnome
> zsun: polkit-gnome
> Orphans (75): 3Depict BitchX balsa bti buildstream
>     container-exception-logger cutecw dnssec-nodes dnssec-system-tray
>     erlang-p1_acme fleet-commander-admin fleet-commander-client gofer
>     golang-github-client9-gospell golang-github-elves-elvish
>     golang-github-xiaq-persistent golang-k8s-cli-runtime
>     golang-k8s-kubectl grpc gtypist jgit jolokia-jvm-agent
>     kanotf-fonts laf-plugin levien-museum-fonts libitl logserial
>     mingw-cppunit mingw-freeimage mingw-sword neofetch nuntius
>     oc-inject perl-Flickr-API perl-Flickr-Upload perl-Getopt-GUI-Long
>     perl-QWizard php-doctrine-common3 php-doctrine-orm
>     pidgin-guifications polkit-gnome prometheus-jmx-exporter
>     prometheus-simpleclient-java python-amico python-glue
>     python-googleapis-common-protos python-orderedset
>     python-pytest-grpc python-pyzabbix python-satyr python-smartcols
>     python-tmuxp python-tweepy python-zbase32 ren reportd rsibreak
>     rubygem-daemons rust-digest_auth rust-lev_distance
>     rust-stratisd_proc_macros rust-xkbcommon sat4j snakeyaml
>     spice-html5 sugar-colordeducto sugar-story sugar-xoeditor
>     tcpxtract termy-server vim-editorconfig wdune will-crash
>     xmlcopyeditor xu4
> Orphans (dependend on) (15): container-exception-logger
>     golang-github-xiaq-persistent golang-k8s-cli-runtime
>     golang-k8s-kubectl grpc jgit perl-Flickr-API perl-Getopt-GUI-Long
>     perl-QWizard php-doctrine-orm polkit-gnome
>     prometheus-simpleclient-java python-googleapis-common-protos
>     rust-lev_distance snakeyaml
> Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (3):
>     golang-github-xiaq-persistent prometheus-simpleclient-java
>     snakeyaml
> Orphans (rawhide) (not depended on) (60): 3Depict BitchX balsa bti
>     buildstream cutecw dnssec-nodes dnssec-system-tray erlang-p1_acme
>     fleet-commander-admin fleet-commander-client gofer
>     golang-github-client9-gospell golang-github-elves-elvish gtypist
>     jolokia-jvm-agent kanotf-fonts laf-plugin levien-museum-fonts
>     libitl logserial mingw-cppunit mingw-freeimage mingw-sword
>     neofetch nuntius oc-inject perl-Flickr-Upload php-doctrine-common3
>     pidgin-guifications prometheus-jmx-exporter python-amico
>     python-glue python-orderedset python-pytest-grpc python-pyzabbix
>     python-satyr python-smartcols python-tmuxp python-tweepy
>     python-zbase32 ren reportd rsibreak rubygem-daemons
>     rust-digest_auth rust-stratisd_proc_macros rust-xkbcommon sat4j
>     spice-html5 sugar-colordeducto sugar-story sugar-xoeditor
>     tcpxtract termy-server vim-editorconfig wdune will-crash
>     xmlcopyeditor xu4
> Orphans (rawhide) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (10): bti
>     golang-github-elves-elvish jolokia-jvm-agent mingw-cppunit
>     mingw-freeimage neofetch prometheus-jmx-exporter
>     rust-stratisd_proc_macros vim-editorconfig wdune
> Depending packages (rawhide) (73): CuraEngine_grpc_definitions abrt
>     abrt-java-connector arc-theme bear buildstream cinnamon
>     cinnamon-session credentials-fetcher dnssec-nodes dnssec-tools
>     fastnetmon fcitx fcitx-anthy fcitx-chewing fcitx-cloudpinyin
>     fcitx-configtool fcitx-fbterm fcitx-hangul fcitx-kkc
>     fcitx-libpinyin fcitx-m17n fcitx-qt5 fcitx-skk fcitx-sunpinyin
>     fcitx-table-extra fcitx-table-other fcitx-ui-light fcitx-unikey
>     freemarker frr gcin gnome-abrt golang-github-elves-elvish
>     golang-helm-3 golang-k8s-kubectl golang-k8s-sample-cli-plugin grpc
>     im-chooser imsettings java-diff-utils java-runtime-decompiler
>     libarrow lookup nanopb perl-Flickr-Upload perl-Getopt-GUI-Long
>     perl-grpc-xs php-doctrine-datafixtures
>     php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle php-symfony php-symfony3
>     prometheus-jmx-exporter python-chirpstack-api python-etcd3
>     python-google-api-core python-google-cloud-core
>     python-googleapis-common-protos python-grpc-google-iam-v1
>     python-grpcio-gcp python-opencensus-proto python-opentelemetry
>     python-pytest-grpc python-sentry-sdk qt6-qtgrpc rhino rust-suggest
>     scala scim syslog-ng truth uim vim-syntastic
> Packages depending on packages orphaned (rawhide) for more than 6
>     weeks (4): freemarker golang-github-elves-elvish
>     prometheus-jmx-exporter rhino
> Not found in repo (rawhide) (1): python-satyr
> --
> The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
> Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
> https://pagure.io/releng/
> The sources of this script can be found at:
> https://pagure.io/releng/blob/main/f/scripts/find_unblocked_orphans.py
> Report finished at 2024-06-14 19:13:41 UTC

With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.
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