On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 19:28 -0300, Horst H. von Brand wrote:
> After "yum erase"ing rhythmbox (it did hold back some hundreds of updates),
> and rebooting into my Gnome/Openbox session (and leaving, the screensaver
> kicked in) I found the background flickering. I gave the password to the
> screensaver, and the background stabilized, but nothing else (Gnome panels,
> etc) did show up.
> Went to alt-ctrl-F2, logged into root and did:
> telinit 3
> telinit 5
> No X did show up. Rebooted by ctrl-alt-del, and tried with plain Gnome. No
> dice either. Rebooted again, now running XFCE4.

rm ~/gnome-shell/install/lib/gtk-3.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so

is recommended on the gnome-shell ML.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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