Simo Sorce wrote:
> Bring out technical deficiencies and real reasons why you can have a
> mile long makefile in your project and not a mile long set of python
> scripts, and then we can start discussing on the merits of each
> solution.

The issue isn't that there's "a mile long set of python scripts", but that 
there's "a mile long set of COPIED python scripts".

Instead of bundling duplicate copies of things, one shared copy shall be 

> Good, go for it, you are free to go out with your charm and reasonable
> language and make all these projects change their build system, in the
> meanwhile I would like sane policies that go *along* and not *against*
> upstream decisions so that things build right.

Actually, replacing upstream's build system wholesale is sometimes the best 
way to get things to "build right", see e.g.

But all that's really required is to get the existing build scripts to work 
with the system version of waf.

And "all these projects", come on, even with Samba4 and its libs, there are 
less than 10 packages in Fedora using waf. (Why did they even pick that 
obscure build system nobody else uses in the first place?)

>> Failing that, they need to be patched to build with the version of
>> waf we ship, whether it's newer or older than the one upstream uses.
> AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, sure are you volunteering ? No? Then please return back
> to earth and let's discuss about reasonable solutions, not pipe dreams.

Uh, I can definitely help fixing things to build with the current waf, I've 
done that kind of fixes for other system libraries several times.

        Kevin Kofler

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