
I guess I never made that point, or indeed realized at the beginning
that it is so, but fixing builds by compiling with -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2
should be considered a work-around.  boost::filesystem v2 will go away
eventually.  Current documentation[1] states that it will be as soon
as in boost 1.48, which will most likely be the version that we will
ship in F 16.  Whether that will be the case or not remains to be seen,
but the result in any case is that maintainers should seek patches that
port their codebases over to v3.

If there are problems with that, ping me on IRC (_petr) and I should be
able to lend you a hand.


[1] http://beta.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_0_beta1/libs/filesystem/v3/doc/index.htm
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