Stanislav Ochotnicky <> writes:

> On 02/16/2011 03:36 PM, Matej Cepl wrote:
>> Dne 16.2.2011 11:06, Stanislav Ochotnicky napsal(a):
>>>> Which basically takes the tag name and creates a nice tarball from it.
>>> Although I should pipe it through gzip/bzip2 :-/
>> And you really don't resolve the issue with unstable MD5 checksum.
> Why would that be? I am creating the tarball from the same git tag. Yes
> I am using tag name, so theoretically if upstream is ugly enough to
> overwrite their tags with different contents, this will be a problem.
> But normally I can re-create the tarball using "git archive" and the md5
> checksum will stay the same. Can you tell me how exactly this won't work?

That does not mean that the compressed contents will always be the same.
At least the gzip compressed tarballs from github contain a time stamp.


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