On 03/03/2011 04:46 PM, Jared K. Smith wrote:
> Quick Summary
> ---
> The Fedora translation workflow has changed.  If you are a developer
> of a package being translated by the Fedora Translation (L10n)
> Project, you must change your workflow slightly if you want translated
> strings to appear in your software package. Tools and assistance are
> available to make this workflow as simple as possible for developers.
> Read below for details.
> Details
> ---
> Over the past couple of weeks, we've made some improvements and
> infrastructure changes to the Fedora translation system.  We've moved
> from a self-hosted version 0.7 instance of the Transifex software to a
> hosted version of the 1.1-dev version at Transifex.net. The upgrade
> from version 0.7 to version 1.0 (and beyond) introduces a number of
> important changes for developers and packagers.  Please pay close
> attention to this email, particularly if your software package uses
> translations provided by the Fedora Translation team.  While the
> changes aren't terribly complicated, they do have a bigger impact on
> the developer than they do on the translation team.
> The most visible change is that Transifex’s native integration with
> source code management systems has been replaced by a mechanism for
> automatic updates.  Transifex now watches an HTTP view of a repository
> for change notifications.  In addition, there is now a more secure
> command-line tool for project maintainers and translators.  This new
> command-line tool has been packaged for Fedora in the
> "transifex-client" package.  It is currently available in Rawhide
> (pre-F16), and in the "updates-testing" repositories for Fedora 13,
> 14, and 15, and EPEL 5 and 6.
> Here's the new workflow:
> This series of steps only needs to be run once for a project.
> * The developer installs the "transifex-client" package:
>    yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install transifex-client
> * The developer runs the "tx init" command in the top level folder of
> the project.
> * The developer runs the "tx set" command according   to the
> transifex-client user guide found at:
> http://help.transifex.net/user-guide/client/client-0.4.html.  This
> creates a small config file, .tx/config, which can be committed in the
> repository for re-use, if desired.

The above link gives 404 error, I guess the correct link is: 


Athmane Madjoudj
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