On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Mike Chambers <m...@miketc.net> wrote:
> What and/or how are the extensions to install to help configure/run
> gnome-3 better?  I have been using KDE but might try gnome-3 again if
> have access or know where to find them


I have:


The only way to find these so far has been to complain bitterly about
stuff and wait for someone to say "you can do that with..."

I honestly can't see any real problems with Gnome3 now, and it is
tidier than the old shell. Nevertheless I expect there will be an
entrenched minority that steadfastly refuse to accept it. OSs move on
and the desktop look and feel should not be underestimated as a
marketing tool. Compared to Windows and Mac the old Gnome looks dated.

That said, I use an XFCE desktop on a VM for most of my stuff at work
and it's fine, I will be pleased if it picks up more users as a result
of this.

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