On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 17:56 -0700, Peter Gordon wrote:
> Hi, everyone. I want to deeply apologize for my recent several months of
> absence without notice.
> I realize that disappearing so abruptly, especially disregarding my
> packaging work as I did, is entirely unfair. It was unfair to our users,
> who expect my packages to be maintained consistently and regularly. It
> was unfair to augment the workload of those who maintained these
> packages in my absence (a huge debt of gratitude, by the way). And it
> was unfair to the rest of the Fedora Project community who counted on my
> regular feedback and contribution to ensure the continued high quality
> of the distribution as a whole.
> I know that I have been gone for a long time...heck, I've missed the
> development of almost two full release cycles. However, I hope you'll
> permit me to resume my contributions. I've been reading through some of
> the the new packaging guidelines and instructions (such as the switch to
> Git) and I believe I am comfortable with them; but as I am only human, I
> will inevitably err and I hope you will quickly correct me. :)
> Thanks for a _lot_ of amazing software and a wonderful community! Let's
> keep up the great work! :)

might not have been the best way to leave but this email is a 
classy way to come back. :)

welcome back.

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