On Sat, Jul 09, 2011 at 11:45:33PM -0400, Jon Masters wrote:
> It's becoming clear that several points do need raising with FESCo:
>       * Fedora should (IMO) institute mandatory mass rebuilds. Either every
> cycle, or every other cycle. I've briefly discussed with Dennis.
> Bootstrapping (and similar activities) are far easier with a clean set
> of deps, which is the case for F15. It should always be the case that we
> know everything builds and self-hosts through a mass rebuild per cycle.

I agree with Jon 100%.

As folks know, I have been an ardent supporter of self-hosting since I
started working with Linux (and RHL/Fedora) 12 years ago.  I'm not
alone in this position, and have had the help of many maintainers over
the years to fix FTBFS bugs as I've uncovered and reported them -
Thank You!

However, I haven't had as much time to put into that effort recently
as I believe it deserves.  FESCo asked me to draft a procedure [1], a
task from [2] for ensuring identified FTBFS packages were blocked,
which I've done.  But the procedure lacks a key component -
identifying, through Fedora Project-maintained efforts (and not my own
private efforts), the list of pacakges that FTBFS.  That could be a
rel-eng mass rebuild run.  That could be a stand-alone rebuild effort.
I'm not going to dictate.  I have had some interest from individuals
asking how they could help, but they seemed to be daunted by the need
for a good deal of builder resources to do a mass rebuild in a
reasonable amount of time.  And unfortunately, I'm not in a position
to put the builders I scrounged up on the public internet for use.

If self-hosting and reliable package building is important to you,
please chime in with ideas for how we can make this a standard part of
the Fedora release process.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Deprecate_FTBFS_packages
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Engineering_Release_Tickets


Matt Domsch
Technology Strategist
Dell | Office of the CTO
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