On 07/20/2011 08:58 AM, Lucas wrote:
> On 07/20/2011 12:03 PM, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
>> hey Lucas,
>> Can you point me to the on system manpage and docs for
>> console-kit-daemon which is running be default on my F15 install? I
>> can't seem to find the documentation.
>>>  From my reading about available systemd roadmapping for systemd-logind
>> in the context of upstream systemd development.... systemd-logind is
>> meant to replace the functionality of provided by the consolekit
>> deamon.  So with that in mind perhaps its best if you take a step back
>> and dig up the information for console-kit-daemon as its being used in
>> active Fedora releases to get a baseline understanding of what
>> systemd-logind is meant to achieve.
>> Or you could read:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_ev4f0gwBuvs6SH_N8fN5LO4LV3sbwtJsLq52F_wwpU/edit?hl=en&authkey=CObM_7UI&pli=1
>> and the thread started here:
>> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/consolekit/2011-May/000136.html
>> and the thread started here:
>> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2011-May/002166.html
>> I think its great your finally taking a good look at what is running
>> by default in Rawhide. But it would also be a good idea if you took
>> into account some historical perspective and set your expectations
>> accordingly with regard to documentation,
>> -jef
> All those links are general words, nothing about "systemd-logind" which is 
> daemon.
> But I would like to know what does "systemd-logind" do and how.
> ..."There's a tool "systemd-loginctl" which you can
>     use to introspect the state of it, and manipulate users, sessions and
>     seats."...
> Where is an explanation of this also ?
> Thanks.
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