Tom Lane ( said: 
> # Note: the NEVR in trigger scripts should all be the version in
> # which the package switched to systemd unit files and the comparision
> # should be less than.  Using <= the last version with the sysV script won't
> # work for several reasons:
> # 1) disttag is different between Fedora releases
> # 2) An update in an old Fedora release may create a newer NEVR
> #    Note that this means an update in an older Fedora release must be NEVR
> #    lower than this.  Freezing the version and release of the old package and
> #    using a number after the disttag is one way to do this.  Example:
> #        httpd-1.0-1%{?dist} => httpd-1.0-1%{?dist}.1
> IOW, once I push a mysql update with native systemd support into
> rawhide, I'll be forbidden from ever rebasing mysql in F15 up to
> a newer upstream patch release.  Considering that upstream issues
> bug-fix releases about once a month, this is hardly acceptable.

No, it just means you'll have to tweak the versioning in the rawhide
trigger at the same time.

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