> I was planning to do this myself .. glad you started it :) I can take
> over the Feature and doing all the work if you're fine with it...

Please do!

The only work I've done (literally) is on the feature page, but feel
free let me know if you need anything from me.

>This hasn't been debated yet, but I am very much in favour of having
only 7 in Fedora 16.

This is probably the preferred situation for everyone. Java 7 really
shouldn't introduce any backwards-incompatible changes with Java 6, so
I imagine it should be fine unless significant issues arise during
testing. I'd also bet that's something that can be decided relatively

Is there a list of deprecated APIs (presumably from Java 5 or earlier)
that were removed in Java 7? It could help sort through what packages
(by age of creation and last update) are most likely to be affected,
and searches for those method calls, etc. could be performed on the
packages' sources.

Thanks for all this good conversation.

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