
Since F15 ~/bin has been added to PATH, and commands that are supposed to run 
user scripts will work without changing into that directory. Meanwhile, 
~/.local/bin isn't used. I'd like to propose that it is also added because 
technically it is ~/bin's brother.

Yes, user scripts can be kept in ~/bin for editing purposes. I prefer to edit 
them where I run them, in a terminal, especially when using the machine 
remotely. And it would be nice for those who want to move scripts out of the 
way so these don't get deleted accidentally along with some user stuff. It 
takes some time to write a script and only a second to delete a bunch of files.

Best regards,
Misha Shnurapet, Fedora Project Contributor
Email: shnurapet AT fedoraproject.org, IRC: misha on freenode
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/shnurapet, GPG: 00217306
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