On 08/11/2011 11:58 PM, Manuel Escudero wrote:
> Hi, I was Wondering if there was a tool for Linux in general
> that let me undo the system changes at reboot or something 
> like that, For example:
> I want to set a standard configuration in a machine and then
> let that machine to be used by many users, but as soon as
> the user Log Out (preferably in that moment) 
> I want the machine to undo all the possible 
> changes the user may have done while he/she was using it.
> I've seen this behavior on Windows Machines in Schools and Offices,
> and I know it has something to do about a server controlling all the 
> individual computers but I want to apply that behavior to a Single Linux
> computer without having the server in the middle...
> If there's not a "General Linux Tool" I would like to Know wich
> distro and desktop enviroment are the best choice to get this done,
> using what tools,
> P.S. it's like... Having a customized "LiveCD Behavior" but with
> the system installed, so if I need to do changes, I can ensure I can
> do them without many problems, and then "Lock the system" again...
> Hope somebody knows, 

  Sounds like "kiosk" mode - you may be able to do this with virtualbox
- since I've not used linux in kiosk mode - I'll leave it for others who
actually know how to explain the way ...

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