On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 5:46 AM, Jason L Tibbitts III <ti...@math.uh.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> "IA" == Iain Arnell <iarn...@gmail.com> writes:
> IA> The only documentation I'm aware of is the same draft you're working
> IA> on.
> Ah, OK.  For some reason I interpreted what I read to say that the Perl
> filtering macros had been rewritten to make use of the new filtering
> system.  I'm still hoping that's possible, but differences in regexp
> language and the vagaries of rpm macro expansion would seem to make it
> rather difficult.

Yes, perl_default_filter macro has been rewritten to use rpm's new
features. And as part of the perl 5.14 rebuild, all of the perl-* spec
files that extend the default filtering have been updated to use the
new macros directly, while preserving the old-style macros for f14/f15
(in the same way I suggest for vym). It was considerably simpler to
update the ~70 or so affected packages than try to make the old filter
macros work with new exclude stuff. It's a little messy, but hopefully
we'll be able to clean up this time next year.

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