On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Tomas Mraz wrote:

>> 3) I mostly don't need/want any DNS/DHCP in my bridged setup, but it still
>>     configures and starts dnsmasq (at least on F14 using virt-manager)
>>     (eg I have a /28 bridges to eth1 with static IPs, I don't want it)
> On a non-bridged setup it listens just on the virbr private interface
> address so at least in such setups it does not conflict with bind
> running as a local caching nameserver.

Okay, good to know. Though I'd guess most people (esp on laptops) would
bridge their VMs to the local ethX/wlanX to provide connectivity. If the
NATed setup, those VM's could go out but would not be reachable by a local

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