On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 09:35:50PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> * dojo/dijit - F/OSS, packaged
Currently for any javascript library you are allowed to bundle.  In the
future this may not be the case so you may have a lot of work to do to
maintain this application in the future.  Note that no one has currently
stepped forward to work on the JavaScript Guidelines in the several years
since I stopped looking at it, so that "future" day may be a long time in

Here's the draft that I wrote several years ago:

Note that I'm unhappy with it.  After working on web apps for a while
I think it would be better to model the guidelines after the static library
guidelines than dynamic libraries.  that would mean that we'd package the
javascript libraries in their own packages.  Then, as part of building the
web application packages, you would BuildRequire the javascript library and
copy the javascript code into the application package.  You, as a packager,
would still have the burden of deciding whether to port applications to
newer versions of a library as they came out (if upstream wasn't proactive
about this) or creating and maintaining a compat- package with the old
version of the javascript library for you to build against.  But this would
help with the questions of how to specify where a javascript library was
located in the url hierarchy, prevent breakage if a javascript library was
upgraded incompatibly in the middle of a release, etc.


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