
2011/9/6 "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johan...@gmail.com>:
> On 09/06/2011 02:55 AM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> Reindl Harald (h.rei...@thelounge.net) said:
>>> the alpha was release and 
>>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SysVtoSystemd
>>> is at 0% - why will F16 released WITHOUT making the system clean which
>>> should have been done for F15
>> Perhaps the feature owner should update it, as per the policy.
> I was planning on updating that 0% after beta ( as opposed to having to
> go through all the components twice or more and incrementally increase
> that number for no purpose).
> Once we have released beta you either have native systemd unit for the
> component or you wont for the F16 whole release cycle and % number on a
> wiki page aint gonna change that.
> Live media + default next next install should be covered except for
> openvpn and wpa_supplicant.

I created a service for wpa_supplicant. Is there something wrong with it?

> That in it self is an acceptable milestone to have reached in my books
> in one release cycle as in all hands out media + desktop install have
> been converted and are covered.

Excellent job :)

> Depending on the rest of the components and their maintainers rest might
> take sometime on converting for variety of reasons.
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