On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> Am 11.09.2011 18:18, schrieb drago01:
>>>> Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a packaging bug? I can't think of
>>>> any reason why I shouldn't be able to compile at least a basic C program
>>>> with no deps as 32bit on 64bit.
>>> it's worth noting a 'cleaner' way to do this than messing up your main
>>> system with 32-bit packages
>> Not seeing what the "mess up" is really ... (having 32bit libs/apps
>> does not hurt in any way ... a chroot does use even more diskpace)
> but not as default installed

I didn't suggest that.
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