On Thu, 22 Sep 2011 09:32:11 +0100
Paul Howarth <p...@city-fan.org> wrote:


> >
> > The first package is already in the build root.
> Yes, but there's still a wait until it's actually available to build 
> against, though it's usually a wait of less than an hour rather than
> the next day.

This is what chain build does for you. :) It waits until it's in the
buildroot before building B. ;) 

> > All chain build does is the waiting for you.
> >
> > build A; wait until A is in the buildroot; build B
> >
> > If B fails, then you can fix it and resume from B and it will work
> > fine.
> And to manually wait until A is in the rawhide buildroot:
> koji wait-repo dist-rawhide --build=A-%{version}-%{release}
> e.g.
> koji wait-repo dist-rawhide --build=perl-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.8-2.fc17

Sure. Chain build does this part for you though... 


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