Excerpts from Jason L Tibbitts III's message of Thu Oct 06 22:30:06 +0200 2011:
> >>>>> "RS" == Richard Shaw <hobbes1...@gmail.com> writes:
> RS> After some initial interest there doesn't appear to be any activity
> RS> unless I'm missing something.
> Never could gather enough interest for anyone to actually do anything.
> Basically I stopped after I called for a couple of folks to help me with
> some things and there was no response whatsoever.

I believe this boiled down to that thread where you wanted to have a
meeting and I told you there was no TZ handling set-up in
whenisgood. Since I couldn't convince you (or maybe it was someone
else, pardon me if I am wrong) that without that, whatever
time I put in there would be useless...I couldn't really participate
from there.

I have an idea, how about informally having a #fedora-review on
Freenode. Should be easier to organize something from there.

> RS> I am still interested. Anyone else?
> These days my interest is only occasional.  If someone else is actually
> willing to do something, then I'm willing to participate on some level.
> But I'm not enough of an organizer, and I don't have enough free time,
> to be the person who makes it happen.

I think we have enough doers as well. We just need 1-2 people that
have some time to organize us.

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotni...@redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

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Red Hat Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com

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