
I think this is a development problem. I have tried everything obvious to
get TFTP to work on F14 but to no avail. Could some one in the know look in
to this please.

I have tftp -server working on F14 and have done PXE Instillations using it.
Since then I have done a yum update and ever since then have not been able
to get it to work.

Below in the two posts are what I have tried, as far as I can see it is

Many thanks in advance,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aaron Gray <aaronngray.li...@gmail.com>
Date: 7 October 2011 15:48
Subject: Re: TFTP stopped working on F14
To: Thomas Dineen <tdin...@ix.netcom.com>
Cc: Community support for Fedora users <us...@lists.fedoraproject.org>

On 7 October 2011 15:26, Thomas Dineen <tdin...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>  Aaron:
> 1) Update to the newest version of server and client.
> I have found that there are F14 and F15 bugs that are
> covered in the updates!

I have done :-

    yum reinstall tftp
    yum reinstal tftp-server

> 2) Be aware of configuration requirements.

It used to work, I installed two servers with PXE using it.

> 3) Be aware of SELinux, you will likely also have to enable
> variables in SELinux. Update you SELinux, more bugs here.

I tried disable SELinux.

> 4) Of course recheck you firewall.

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT

But the firewall does not apply to local usage.

> Thomas Dineen
Still not working :(



> On 10/7/2011 7:07 AM, Aaron Gray wrote:
> TFTP seems to have stopped working on my F14 machine.
>  It appears both server and client are not working.
>  I have it working on my F15 machine and have tried between the two (with
> iptables rule) and F14 server and client do not work.
>  tftp appears to log in but, on transferring a file it just says "Transfer
> timed out." after a while.
>  I have reinstalled both client and server. And I am using the same
> '/etc/xinetd.d/tftp' file on F15 as on F14.
>  There do not appear to be any logs for TFTP.
>  AFAICS I am not doing anything wrong or differently.
>  Help !
>  Many thanks in advance,
>  Aaron
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