Hi Kalev,

(Cc'ed to devel list to see if anybody else has suggestions).

As you've noted libgnomeuimm has been obsoleted in f16 and higher, and
referencer doesn't look like it's ported to use anything else. I filed
a bug in what appears to be a (potentially) active (but slow) upstream
to get some feedback about whether referencer could be built in the
future, before we retire the package completely:


There is a branch that was started back in February to port to gio
and away from libgnomemm:


There was a commit to it in August, but looks the mm dep is still there
in the configure.ac:


Since I haven't had any responses on my launchpad bug report, I'm 
going to reluctantly agree that we'll have to retire this package.
If development does restart, we can always revive the package.

Any other suggestions from the rest of the Fedora community?


----- Original Message -----
> Hello,
> I was looking at Fedora 16 broken deps report and referencer is one of
> the apps listed as still needing old mm libraries that were retired a
> while ago. You are listed as a co-maintainer for referencer; do you
> think it should also be retired in F16?
> referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libpoppler.so.14
> referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libgnomevfsmm-2.6.so.1
> referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libgnomeuimm-2.6.so.1
> referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libgnomemm-2.6.so.1
> referencer-1.1.6-17.fc16.i686 requires libboost_regex.so.1.46.1
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/PackageEndOfLife
> --
> Thanks,
> Kalev
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