On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Matthew Garrett <mj...@srcf.ucam.org> wrote:
> It's a common complaint that it's too difficult to get updates to
> critpath packages through the update system at the moment. We've been
> looking into trying to make that easier without just dropping the
> critpath requirements, and one thing we looked at was whether the
> requirement for positive karma from proventesters was a net benefit.
> Thankfully this is the kind of thing that we can actually generate
> numbers for. Luke pulled some statistics which are available at
> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2011-October/104084.html .
> The relevant section here is the set of packages that have (a)
> sufficient positive karma to be pushed, but (b) negative proventester
> karma - that is, the packages where negative proventester karma
> prevented a push.
> Straight off, we can see that these amount to 1-2% of all critpath
> updates. It's simply not common for proventester to make a difference to
> the outcome. If we look at the individual packages, things get even more
> interesting. Many of the updates receive a mixture of proventester
> karma, so even with the negative the push would still go ahead. As far
> as I can tell:
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/xorg-x11-drv-geode-2.11.9-1.fc14
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/system-setup-keyboard-0.8.6-2.fc14
> are the only two updates where the proventester karma requirement would
> have made a difference, out of 1942 critpath updates that made it to
> stable. That doesn't seem like a great hit rate.

Well this looks like just a coincidence to me that the people finding
issues where proventesters in this cases.

> So, assuming I'm not grossly misanalysing the data, it seems that we
> could drop the proventester requirement from critical path updates with
> a negligable change in the quality of the updates. Thoughts?

I'd say go for it and I doubt there would be any quality change.
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