On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 8:20 PM, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:

> See, the problem we solved in RC5 only came when you wrote the installer
> to USB with l-i-t-d *and then used it to upgrade an F15 system*. The
> problem was that anaconda doesn't filter out the USB key it's installing
> from as a potential bootloader installation target, and it orders the
> preferred bootloader target disks in the order they're presented by the
> BIOS - and when you boot from a USB stick, the BIOS presents it as the

Wow - OK!

I decided to try another tack this evening on my test machine which
"was" running F15 - I placed the F16 install iso on a partition which
would not be touched - and loop mounted it - then pulled vmlinuz and
initrd.img into /boot, and made a new stanza in /boot/grub/grub.conf
(another technique I have used for years).

It booted into the installer just fine - but here is the catch/snag -
instead of being able to point the install to using the iso on the
unused partition it asks for a network location for the repos -but I
could not get it to use the local iso!  Maybe I am being dumb or is
this something that can't be done with F16 installs?

Now the install is off and running but of course will take a lot
longer than using the local iso for the packages - but of course I
have now formatted the root partition so I can't go back to the start

Have I done something dumb here?  Or have I missed something in
getting an install to run off my HD?

mike c
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