drago01 <drago01 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Not true ... I recommend reading
> https://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/#Activities_Overview

Just one link, so you wouldn't say I'm plucking things out of thin air:


This explains... <sorry, was just chewing my gum there>... how users are being
told that "constant temptation to switch focus" is evil. Ergo, the wonderful
kitchen sink overview that does all that and more for them.

You know, I go around my place and my daughters and my wife do nothing all day
but click on those darn taskbar/dock buttons in Windows/OSX, switching tasks
aimlessly. Sometimes I have to give them a jolt, just to get them out of the
daze of task switching. If _only_ they had overview... :-)

Seriously for a second, I can also write anything I want in some design document
that rationalises whatever design choice I want to make. Doesn't make it good,
useful or sane in real life.

Anyhow, I think I've made my points known. Don't want to wake the list police,
so last post on this topic.


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