On 12/11/11 14:04, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> For the longest time, I was able to upgrade an existing system by
> copying over the pxeboot vmlinuz and initrd.img, sticking them into
> menu.lst, and directing grub to load them.
> Up until F14 this worked fine. F15's pxeboot/vmlinuz made me stare at a
> blank screen, and the only available option, apparently, was the
> three-fingered salute. I wrote it off as an F15 glitch.
> Now, same story with F16. Looks like I have to do a real PXE boot. No
> big deal, but it's a pain. Grub was much easier – copy two files over,
> edit menu.lst, and I'm done.
> I don't seem to find this installation method documented, just wondering
> if it's gone for good, or this is just my problem.

Cant you do:
fpo boot?


Frank Murphy
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