Dne 22.11.2011 18:55, Jason L Tibbitts III napsal(a):
>>>>>> "VO" == Vít Ondruch<vondr...@redhat.com>  writes:
> VO>  It would be reasonable, on the beginning of each development cycle,
> VO>  to publish a list of packages which were not touched by it
> VO>  maintainer in previous release.
> I certainly hope you realize that there are very many packages in the
> distribution that simply do not need to be touched by the maintainer all
> that often.  Many packages will have seen no upstream changes at all for
> quite some time and unless we do a mass rebuild or make changes to the
> packaging guidelines which require updates, there is simply no need to
> pointlessly waste time messing with packages just to avoid appearing on
> some "potentially horrible maintainers" list.
>   - J<

Yes, I realize that there are many packages that does not need to be 
touched and my proposal does not mean they will be. However, speaking 
about mass rebuild, it is interesting that there are still some packages 
from F14 and older Fedora releases. That is sign that these packages are 
un-maintained and they are FTBFS. Otherwise I have no other explanation 
how they survived the F15 mass rebuild. If there would be easier way how 
to get the maintainer ACLs, may be somebody would pick them up.

Generally this proposal is as gentle to current maintainers and owners 
as it could be. And it is aimed to get more people involved. I thought 
that it would be easier acceptable for some of the maintainers then mass 
orphaning (which is my favorite), but sadly, I was wrong. Status quo is 
better it seems.

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