Am 04.12.2011 01:18, schrieb Ralf Ertzinger:
> Hi.
> On Sat, 03 Dec 2011 22:38:11 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote
>> is it really a good decision to restart services after update in
>> the %post section?
> As far as I am aware this has always been done, at least for most
> server packages, this is not a new thing.

not really

some releases ago it was no problem to do a dist-upgrade with yum
where all services wehre running without any interruption

FAIK with F12 httpd crashed with the restart since openssl was updated
and not consistentn while the upgrade - this is a bad behavior and
should be replaced with a notice "you should call systemctl restart 
instead killig running services which would work even days after the upgrade

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