On 11/21/2011 02:14 PM, Stanislav Ochotnicky wrote:
Hello fellow devs,

I am sure quite a few of you have done some reviews and thought "Hey,
a,b,c and d could be automated. For E I could use some more
information that can be automatically gathered". Some of you even
wrote your own tools to do some of these things.

Hi Stan,

great idea. Will try to use this prior to any forthcoming reviews.

I find the most time consuming task in the review process is the license check. I use a combination of find/head/grep commands to try and determine if some of the source files have differing licenses to the stated one in the spec. None of my methods guarantee 100% license detection, given the sheer number of licenses out there, although if we could consolidate all of the methods reviewers use for this we would have a nifty tool indeed.

Not sure if this is something which should be part of this package or another entirely?



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