Tom Lane ( said: 
> So I submitted a routine bodhi request for updating mysql, and was
> astonished to find that it's marked as critpath.  It was never that
> before.  Who decided this,

The dependency solver. It's not a manual process.

> and would it not have been polite to involve
> or at least notify the package maintainer?

We could consider having pkgdb e-mail the owner when the critpath bit for
the package gets flipped. Toshio, is that possible?

As to where it came from, the dep chain is:

 -> akonadi
   -> qt-mysql, mysql-server

kdepim is in critical path as part of 'critical-path-apps', which is
essentially mail & web. The change that caused this to get added is that the
script prior to early December wasn't actually iterating over the proper
critpath groups, including critical-path-apps.

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