On Mon, Feb 06, 2012 at 05:50:59PM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 06.02.2012 17:44, schrieb Petr Šabata:
> > I am completely happy with a hidden menu and if it wasn't like that by 
> > default,
> > I'd just change my grub settings.  That's my opinion and taste, different 
> > from
> > yours.  Ha.
> no problem, configure it
> the new user does know nothing about it!
> > Teach them how to display the menu if needed or reconfigure the software to
> > suit their needs.
> if you have permanently to teach people about the same default
> problem the default is wrong and how will you teach anybody
> no longer able to boot his only computer?

Maybe those users should read that and understand "Press ESC
to show the menu..." which is displayed for several seconds,
if I'm not mistaken.  If they can't do that, I wouldn't trust
them with selecting the right kernel or anything...

> > Oh, and could stop posting hate emails with insulting tone all the time?
> jesus if THIS is a "hate email" you never saw hate in your life

I live such a happy life, wheee!


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