On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> no i can not because it is a one-shot thing to do "yum distro-sync" and so i
> had no time for a bugrport while other more important things like mysqld were
> horrible broken

Let me strongly suggest, that unfiled problems will never get fixed
because you cannot assume your workflow is part of anyone elses
prerelease testing.
Let me further stridently suggest that if you or any user insist on
using an upgrade path which is stated as a matter of policy as
unsupported, that you no justification for assuming that the official
testing will catch problems with it and thus you have no business
complaining about it a year later.

You best course of action when relying on an unsupported set of
actions is to do your own testing, and report back deficiencies. If
you are nice and polite and professional in the bugreports you have a
chance that developers will do you a _favor_ and attempt to fix the
problem in the _unsupported_ workflow.

But if you do not file, and you do not test.... then well...adjust
your workflow and avoid the unsupported actions and reduce the
impedance mismatch with the fedora development process as it stands.

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