On 02/10/2012 05:57 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
yum upgrade is not supported (due dumb pilicies away from real life)

With my QA hat on I can say with confidence that this will never be officially supported.

There is no way in hell that QA can test every possible upgrade path with every combination of package we ship in the distribution.

I'm frankly amazed that the anaconda/pre-upgrade path got officially supported in the first place and at the same time a bit curious how that came to be because I'm pretty sure officially supporting that was not officially voted upon in the QA community.

Users might finally get a proper fall back solution with btrfs ( via snapshot ) for upgrades" but that's about as far as it goes with "upgrading support" I would say.

Users should really view upgrading as more as yes you can but you still have to fix any brokenness that might result from that upgrade.

Start blocking features or newer project releases that might be incompatible to their previous configuration file format for that set project is just madness as well as requiring them to be "upgrade compatible".

Just my 0.02 cents...

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