Hi guys, 

It tooks me few hours as this is my first python script :)
I've managed to get the whole list of transifex.net projects who appears
dead, here they are:

(see bellow for the explaination)
@devel, if your project is named there, please get in touch with us

[D] avahi
[D] expendable
[M] fedora-desktop-backgrounds
[D] fedora-docbook-locales
[D] fedora-docsite-publican
[D] fedora-elections-guide
[D] fedora-preupgrade
[D] fedora-readme-burning-isos
[D] fedora-rpm-guide
[D] fedora-virtualization-guide
[D] firstboot
[D] hivex
[D] iwhd
[D] liveusb-creator
[D] newt
[D] paprefs
[D] pavucontrol
[D] pulseaudio
[D] pulsecaster
[D] pykickstart
[M] python-meh
[D] readahead
[M] redhat-menus
[D] setuptool
[O] sos
[M] system-config-bind
[D] system-config-boot
[M] system-config-firewall
[M] system-config-httpd
[M] system-config-keyboard
[D] system-config-kickstart
[M] system-config-lvm
[D] system-config-nfs
[D] system-config-printer
[M] system-config-rootpassword
[M] system-switch-java
[M] system-switch-mail
[O] usermode
[D] virttop

The script is available on my repo[1], the code is explained in the
README file.
[O] means no owner specified, __THAT'S REALLY WRONG__
[M] means no maintainers found (default ones removed, could they be the
only ones? Need to check)
[D] means the source language has not been updated for a long time (set
to 4 months). It is against all resources on one project. 4 months is
quite revelent.

More details are available for rapid checks:

I've run this script against all Fedora projects (86), which are under
websites, docs, main and uptream.
The [D] date is checked against all resources of one project (total of
400 resources)

Comment or pull request welcome :)

[1] https://gitorious.org/tiny-scripts/transifex/trees/master/is_project_active

Kévin Raymond

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