On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> So then the question is, if urandom is what's recommended, are faster 
> substitutes just as good? If they are just as good, then why aren't they the 
> first recommendation? And if this step is superfluous, then I'd suggest 
> documentation be changed to eliminate the suggestion altogether.

Personally, I setup dmcrypt (w/o luks) first using /dev/urandom as the
key and one of the secure block modes (e.g. aes-lrw or aes-essiv).
Then I fill the dmcrypt device with /dev/zero.  This goes fairly fast,
filling the device with securely encrypted zeros.

Then I drop the volume and set up luks normally.

From a security perspective an attack which allowed the attacker to
distinguish the randomly encrypted /dev/zero from your other data
would be a fairly bad vulnerability generally against the encrypted
volume... much worse than the information leak wrt used blocks.
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