On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Jason L Tibbitts III
<ti...@math.uh.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> "JO" == Joe Orton <jor...@redhat.com> writes:
> JO> Yup - the default config in the f18 httpd does load
> JO> mod_access_compat, and I don't see a problem with shipping like
> JO> that.
> This is good news, because even if we convert the httpd.conf.d files in
> all of the packages, they're all marked %config(noreplace) so a package
> update won't magically fix
> JO> It would be good to convert webapps over for f18, having said that.
> It would be great to have a short document about this (even though I
> know the conversion is largely trivial).  Would it be reasonable to have
> something should be added to the packaging guidelines at some point so
> that new packages don't rely on the compatibility module?

Probably, and the release notes as well, if it's not already there.


>  - J<
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