On 23/04/12 14:36, Mark Bidewell wrote:

I think it has as much to do with the names as anything else.  Ubuntu
names are short and easy.

But their numbering is crap.
12.04 ?

 Fedora names tend to be more obscure "Lucid"
or "Precise" makes more sense than "Zod" or "Beefy" (forget the fat
distro connotation...).  Also the Ubuntu pattern is clear and wellknown
(Adjective and animal name).

Not to me.
My hard disk has monogamous relationship with Fedora.

 I am still not sure how we got from
Superman's nemesis to hot dogs (at least I think that is where "beefy
miracle" came from...).

I didn't know Jules Verne was superman's nemesis.

"Jack of all, fubars"
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