On 25/04/12 03:46, Brendan Jones wrote:
I fully agree. We need to help the design team out,

Agree, give ideas

 Drop the name
but lets vote on a theme

I think it should all be left to the design them.
(with advice from legal, if necessary)
Not in a "let them do the work", but more of a
the design team are the ones that understand design and concept.
Give them the latitude to do what they know.

When I tried college!.
You could only include sources that were peer reviewed.
Not stuff that had been voted on by x number of people in the street.

Give the design team the freedom they need.
Those with a background in design, step up.
Help them out, don't complain after the fact.
But for arthritis, I would be with them (my excuse, and sticking to it).

"Jack of all, fubars"
devel mailing list

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