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On 05/10/2012 05:00 AM, Jon Masters wrote:
> On 05/09/2012 05:57 PM, Jon Masters wrote:
>> More broadly though, I feel that GCC is well represented in terms
>> of engineering knowledge but I'm *concerned* that we run the risk
>> of growing a dependence on LLVM that is more critical than the
>> LLVMpipe stuff. Before we can blink, we might need LLVM for
>> building lots of other fundamental stuff. I am wondering if as a
>> distribution we ought to have an official FESCo-debated position
>> on LLVM use? I do not think Fedora has the resources to maintain
>> two critical toolchain pieces. I do think LLVM is useful, etc.
>> BUT its growing use is concerning.
> Putting that another way, if we carried eglibc in Fedora, there
> would be cries and shouts if a large number of packages started
> requiring it because we have folks that maintain GLIBC. I feel LLVM
> is a similar piece of critical technology that we should not need
> for critpath.
> Jon.
I agree -- besides the resource problem, there's also the Debian-esque
problem of putting secondary architectures (and less-used primary
ones) at a disadvantage.

Is LLVMpipe needed on, say, ARM? (Does anyone have a screenshot of
GNOME Shell running on such a system?). Perhaps we need an official
decision on which platforms we feel comfortable depending on LLVM for
(e.g. ix86/x86_64, to get GNOME Shell running without 3D
acceleration), and we should require that LLVM-dependent features be
made optional on other architectures (e.g using the %bcond_with and
%bcond_without directives, as used in the LLVM packaging)

- -- 
Michel Alexandre Salim
Fedora Project Contributor: http://fedoraproject.org/

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