On 05/09/2012 03:07 PM, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
>> I know I've said this before, but: we should break the CD size
>> barrier
>> precisely so people can't burn things to CDs.  If you must burn to
>> optical media, do yourself a favor and burn a DVD, the reduced seek
>> time
>> is entirely worth it.
> I'd like to break CD limit too but we should not forgot there are users
> for which CD is top technology from dreams and we have a lot of these
> users among some countries... For me personally CD is history, even 
> DVD, same 1 GB flash drive. We can afford it. But some people can't 
> and are our users thanks to the ability to get a cheap OS, that can
> run on cheap HW and is still modern.
> The question is - how many people will be affected? Or should we 
> provide some fallback option - stripped down CD media size image? And
> make the bigger one primary one? 
> R.

I like the idea of a separate stripped down live CD image.
But it doesn't have to be too stripped down. What if we made the LXDE
and/or Xfce spin's CD size, while the Gnome and KDE live images would be
DVD size.

*braces for the Gnome is our default desktop replies*

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